Chapter 3

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Maiev was fast asleep on the couch. A long day of fending off void monstrosities did that to her. Not to mention the stress of running into an old enemy, of whom was in her house. But, well, she wasn't so uptight that she'd refuse to get some rest because of that. Illidan was appropriately chained down. She made sure that the chains were enchanted to be enhanced, too. It went against everything she stood for. But this was Illidan, and some exceptions had to be made. He was dangerous. Just so, she needed sleep, and wouldn't let his annoying presence stop her.

Dreams of being chased down by demons filled her mind as she slept, until she felt something sharp glide along her skin. Maiev shuddered a bit, turning away, but she kept feeling it. Finally did her eyes fly open and meet Illidan's. Wait... Illidan? He was supposed to be chained up! She cried out in surprise and jerked away from his claw, of which he'd been sliding over her arm. The demon hunter cackled, especially as Maiev stumbled over the couch and away from him. She fell to the ground, flat on her back, twisting to her stomach to try and get up to make a grab for her glaives.

However, Illidan was much more agile now. He opened his wings and flapped once, sending his body right on top of Maiev and pinning her by the stomach. He kneeled down, keeping his hand wrapped around the back of her neck and his knife-like claws pressing into her flesh. "I want to make it clear, Maiev. I am no longer your prisoner. You will not be stopping me from doing as I please. That is something you'll learn to understand very well."

Maiev bucked, struggling to try and get away. She yelled out in outrage, snapping, "RELEASE ME, DEMON HUNTER!" and to that, he did. Sort of. He picked her up and threw her against the far wall, causing her to gasp and sink down. She turned, now facing him, weakly trying to dodge out of the way as he darted right back in front of her. He shoved his face into hers, both horns on the side of her head, them and his arms on each side of her practically caging her. He grinned, showing his serrated teeth in her face.

"You first, Maiev," he snarled in response, remaining there as his muscles rippled. The warden gasped, her heart pounding in fear. She gulped, trying to keep a steady glare upon him.

"What do you plan on doing with me?" she whispered, her voice cracking somewhat. This was the first time in a while she felt true fear.

Illidan merely laughed, and slowly drew away from her, turning his back to her and walking away. "Nothing, should you not get in my way, warden," he replied. Maiev had no intention of leaving him alone by any means. No, she quickly leaned over, snatching up her glaive and lunging at him, sinking it into his back. Droplets of green felblood glided down his flesh. Illidan merely paused, not even turning to face her. Slowly he reached behind him and pulled the glaive out, bringing it to his front and examining it. "You refuse to learn, what a pity."

There was only a flash of felfire, and once again, Maiev was pinned to the ground, but with Illidan's hand around her throat, squeezing threateningly. Now, his claws sunk into her neck, spilling a little bit of blood and causing her to whimper in anger and fear once more. Her eyes closed as she thrashed, but Illidan's hold remained steady as he leaned down to whisper into her ear. "You will learn either the easy way, or the hard way, Maiev. I would hate to end your life. You amuse me."

Maiev refused to give up. Her body twisted and turned beneath him, her chest heaving. Her cheeks were flushed with red, however, and Illidan was starting to catch onto... something. He furrowed his brow, letting go a moment and placing a hand on the ground at each side of her head. He leaned down and sniffed at her, his nostrils flaring. Realization crossed his face, and his mouth opened slightly in surprise. "Maiev, are you... is that lust I scent? It can't be. You despise me. How..." he mused.

Maiev coughed a bit, panting and glaring up at him. She attempted and failed to punch his chest, considering he didn't really flinch at all to the action. "How dare you imply that--" but, in truth, she could feel herself growing wet. Her entire body hummed with anticipation, and she wasn't happy about it. "There is nothing of the sort!"

Illidan curiously leaned down, licking delicately at her neck, dragging his tongue along her collarbone before pausing at her breasts. They were still clothed, of course, and he made no effort to remove them. Merely, he leaned up, humming, "Mmm, I can taste and smell it, warden. I had no idea you had any interest in me. I suppose my power can be very tempting, however." He grinned, once more taunting her with his sharp teeth. "Now, what can I do to put you into your place and ensure that you will no longer be a nuisance to me. What if the roles were switched, and I was your jailer? Your thoughts on that--what are they."

"NEVER! RELEASE ME, HEATHEN!" she demanded, once more trying and failing to twist out of his grasp. Illidan gave a few tsks, shaking his head. He licked his lips slowly, watching her expression change from one of anger to one of fear. There it was again--that scent.

"I almost am under the impression that you enjoy being like this, Maiev. I had intended on just scaring you from bothering me. However, perhaps there can be a change in plans..." He traced around her breast with a claw, watching her reaction. She shivered, blushing all the harder. How could this be happening. This entire time, she hated him! No, no! She couldn't be feeling lust, couldn't be feeling attraction.

Or... could she? She pondered this, unable to prevent a moan from slipping from her lips as his claws continued to trace along. The warden, at that point, came to a realization. "...Fine. Why not. You know what? Maybe I have been attracted to your damn entire fucking persona. Your annoying, assholish attitude, and your undeniable strength. Let's explore it, then. I want to know how you feel. Show me what you've got. But you'd sure as hell better secure me when we're finished, because if not? I'll hunt you down and cage you again. I'll be eating these words later, but right now, I don't care, I need this. Fuck me, and do it now."

Illidan cackled and leaned down to lock lips with her, exploring her mouth with his tongue. Maiev was caught by surprise(though she shouldn't be), but relaxed, closing her eyes as he kissed her. She felt his tongue slip into her mouth, exploring sensually. Well... there was no going back now, and no harm in indulging herself. Apparently she was very attracted to him. She figured she'd want to hold back, to demand for him to stop. But... she didn't. Not at all. She wanted to be taken, to be used. That is what she told him. Did she even know she was someone that would be receptive to this? Nope, but by Elune she did now.

Her tongue slipped into his mouth now, feeling around his fangs. My, how sharp they were. He was very dangerous--he could rip her apart with his teeth alone. Yet so gentle, for now, so delicious...

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