Part 2: Morning Whispers

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Rolling over, body stiff and sore, Max finds Helen sleeping soundly under the duvet.he smiles and lays a few inches from her body, taking in every feature he can before she awakes. Last night was not what he expected, nor did he have in mind. He was planning on just apologizing and then leaving. However within mere minutes it turned into the best sex of his life. He felt in tune with Helen and loved the pull between them. He never felt that with anyone else, not even Georgia. Taking his hand, he gently moves some of her hair out of his face so he can look at her sleeping there peacefully. Her face is natural, no make-up like how she looks in the day. Her hair isn't neatly pieced together, it's strewn everywhere like a lion mane. Gazing down to her naked body, he spots a few tattoos he never would have guess she had. One on her ribs that says something in a middle eastern script and one on her left hip- a butterfly sitting on a flower. Last night, he's fairly certain he saw a sunflower on her right shoulder blade and a very small one on the base of her neck just below her hair line that says Fire. Her smooth skin is velvety and supple in his grasp, as he slides his hand gently down the naked curve of her waist to her hip. He loves the feel of her beneath his hand.  He watches as her nose crinkles up and a small tired smile rises to her face.

"Good morning..." She quietly whispers to him, her voice groggy. Max leans forward and kisses her lips tenderly and watches her smile grow. "That night was... amazing...and unexpected."

"I know. I loved every minute of it." He says calmly and she tiredly scoots herself closer to him. Using what little weight she has, she pushes into him so she's on his body as he's on his back. She seems awake now and very playful. A side of Helen he doesn't believe he's seen before.

"I could tell. I appreciated it greatly." She thanks him in her own kind of way. "Can I show you how much I appreciated it?"

He looks at her coyly and then nods. She starts kissing him in a similar fashion he did last night, only she nips at his skin with her teeth slightly. At first he doesn't know how this makes him feel, but the more she kisses and then nips and then kisses again- the more he enjoys it. Making it down to his member, who is half asleep still, Helen loosely takes his boys in her hand and plays with them while she gives small kisses to his head. His member twitches and flicks slowly up and down trying to bring blood back into its body. She watches Max watching her intently as she begins to slowly stroke him. Through half lidded eyes she gazes at him like a lioness waiting to pounce. Taking the tip of her tongue, she slowly glides it over him, before fully planting her lips on him. He moans slightly as he watches her. Opening her mouth, she licks him from base go tip as she continues to arose him and finally he's at attention in her hands. Putting him in her mouth, she bobs up and down on him, now releasing her hand from his balls and slowly making circles around her clit. He loves the touch of her. The thought of her doing something so vulgar really turns him on. She keeps bobbing and sucking and jerking him agonizingly slow, before she decides that's been enough of the torture for the both of them. Getting up, she kneels over top of him and slowly slides down over his length. From this position, she can feel him perfectly pushing against her g-spot. He grunts and groans as she slowly moves. His hands grip her ass as she goes about her rhythmic bouncing. It feels great for both of them. It's been so long that it's almost as if they were teenagers again, learning how to romp like an adult- only this isn't awkward and unsatisfying as many experience. This is heat and power, lust and passion- a spiraling pleasure induced rage that brings them both slowly to their peaks.

"Oh, god, Max!" Helen moans lustfully as she gets closer. He's not too far behind she can tell. He's bulging and swelling beneath her. His dick hardening with every stroke. Finally he can't take it any more. He pushes his shoulders down into the bed, raises his hips with her on him and grips her ass so hard, he's bound to leave hand prints behind as he pushes himself deeper and deeper into her, her body unable to produce anything more than a low gutteral growl at how pleasuring this all is. Max grunts and growls s he pushes harder and harder into her, until finally they both release together an experience neither knew could exist. Helen's whole body shakes from his rough humping and she settles on top of his body- unable to move, let alone thing about what she just experienced. Max quivers beneath her, his friend full satisfied back into submission against Helen's bum. A mess pooling from her and onto his pelvis.

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