Two Day's | Chaper 1 |

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\\•We all feel pain... but for some people it hurts on the inside more then the outside...•//

Warning: Self-harm, abuse, and suicidal thoughts are in this chapter!


Two more days ...

I can take this... Just Two more days until I have the chance to end it all...

No more school, no more homework, no more bullies... No more abuse...

Can't wait...

I sighed quietly as I tapped my pencil against my desk. Stupid Teachers making us write a four page essay on Dark Wood Moths because someone decided to talk during a lecture...

The moment the bell rang, I slammed my notebook shut and shoved it in my backpack. I got up and ran out of the class.

God I hate History class...

I mean, Don't get me wrong, I love History, It's just the teacher... I'm pretty sure Mr. Birkens Hates every kid in the school considering we get stacks of homework every week.

I walked out of the front doors and immediately started walking back to my 'House'.

I hate that place... I'd much rather listen to ten hours of bad celebrity puns then go Back there.

But sadly, I have no choice But to head back to that dump...

Just as I walked off school property, I was pushed up against a nearby wall.

Oh no... It's Douchebag and his Heathens...

"Where do you think your going Freak?" Vince asked with a sly smirk on his face.

I stayed silent.

" Did you really think you would get away from us?!" Heathen Number One Yelled in my ear as my face earned a punch.

I Stared at the concrete sidewalk.

All of a sudden, Vincent punched my stomach, well, technically my rips since I haven't eaten in almost Three weeks.

I yelped in pain and clutched them in pain.

Heather number Two grabbed the front of my shirt and punched my face again. I was then pushed to the ground and kicked.

Great... looks like another major beating... Let's not mention the one I'm most likely gonna get when I get 'home'.

I was suddenly picked up and kicked in the stomach. I yelled in pain and tried to block the next hit, but heathen number three and four held me against the brick wall.

After a few more hits they dropped me. I thought it was over, but no, They had to finish it off by grabbing my head and smashing it against the brick wall.

They then walked away laughing.

Oh well... just another reason why I can't wait till Wednesday...

I shakily got up and grabbed my bag. I somehow pulled it over my shoulder and started limping back to the shit house I call home.


I stared in fear as I stood in front of the house.

I took a step towards it and mentally cringed in fear the moment my foot hit the dead grass Jake calls a 'lawn'.

Once I got enough courage, I walked towards the front door. I Opened it and sat still, listening for any sound.


Is he not here...?


A lamp was smashed against the wall near my head. I jumped and looked at the direction it came from.

There stood a furiously angry Jake.

I had no time to run. Jake ran at me and pinned me to the wall by the door.


Did I mention that he thinks I'm a slut because I brought one of my only friends home for a school project?

I didn't? Oh, well there you go...

He smashed my head against the wall and punched my already broken ribs.


After what felt like hours of beatings, He finally stopped and threw me towards the stairs. I quickly ran up them with my bag.

Once I got to my room, I collapsed on the floor.

All of my body hurt from the beatings. But I had things I needed to do. I can't afford to stop and rest.

I attempted to get up but my body refused to move. I need to get up...

I groaned once more and used all my body strength to push myself up. I was able to get up with the support of my dresser, but my legs were far to shaky to stand on their own.

After a few more moments of standing, I let go of the wall and limped over to my bed. I sat down and slid my hand under the mattress.

My fingers hit something and gripped around it.

I pulled the hidden pocket knife out and opened it.

I stared at the sharp blade before pulling my sleeve up and stared at the scars from previous cuts.

I pressed the knife against my skin and slid the knife. A small sting was sent through out my body, but i was used to it.

More and more cuts were put against the skin and more and more blood was spilled.

I felt dizzy and lightheaded from blood lose, but I would live.


But I don't need to wait long...

Just two more days...

~~The next day~~

I woke up to the sound of a beeping alarm clock and opened my eyes. I was still slightly tired, but I got up anyway.

I stood up and walked to the bathroom in my room. I cleaned of the dry blood and washed my face off.

I then walked back to my room and changed my clothing.

I grabbed my backpack and phone and walked towards the door. I stood still and listened for any sign of movement.

Nothing... I opened the door and looked around. He must have left for work. I slowly crept down the stairs and towards the door.

I then opened the door and walked towards the school.

Halfway through the walk my leg suddenly collapsed and I fell. I groaned in pain and grabbed it.

Most the pain went away after a few seconds, but it still hurt. I got up and continued walking to the building most call hell.

Once I got there I immediately went towards my first class.

Almost collapsing again, I reached the classroom and opened the door.

I sat down and pulled my book out. Now I just have to wait another day out...

•Run with me• |OPTIMUS X MALE OC|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ