Attempt | Chapter 2 |

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•\\ Some attempts can bring you good, but some can bring you bad... It's a 50/50 percent. //•

Warning: Suicide attempt, and abuse.


"Come on Jack! We're gonna be late!" Miko yelled as she dragged her friend Jack towards the school doors.

"S-sorry, I got distracted..." He stated as he walked up the stairs and into the building.

Jack was curious about the teenage boy that would always get harassed by Vince.

Jack didn't know much about the boy, but it was obvious he was antisocial. Nobody really knew him...

People usually just called him 'The quiet kid' or 'The depressed kid'.

Jack often saw him walking around the halls but didn't have any classes with him. He knew Raf had History class with him.

Rafael said he never really spoke, he just did his work and stayed away from the other kids.

"Hey Raf, can you do me a favor?" Jack asked Raf on the way to class.

Raf looked up at his friend and nodded. "What do you need?"

"Can you try to talk to that one kid? In your history class?" Jack asked.

"Why? I mean, I'll try, but he really likes to be alone..." Rafael questioned as they stopped in front of his class.

" I want to get to know him... He seems like he needs a friend... "

The bell suddenly rang and signaled class was beginning in a few seconds. Raf nodded and walked into his class.

Jack soon then walked towards his class.

~~After School~~

For a shitty school, I'm surprised anyone learns anything here. Today in Mathematics, Ms. Caulq the sub, gave out false information about a problem that everyone was stuck one.

But never mind that. I headed to my last class of the day and thought about the glories of tomorrow.

Tomorrow was the day Jake would stay at work for an extra two hours. I had the chance to take his gun...

And end it all.

I smiled at that thought. But immediately went back to my blank face when I entered the History class. I walked towards the back of class and sat down.

I got my notebook out and got ready to take notes once the bell rang.

All of a sudden, one of the kids from this class came up and sat down next to me.

Huh... Nobody sits next to 'The Freak'.

"Hey... Are you okay?" The kid asked while looking at me.

I said nothing.

The kid seemed like a nice guy, but I'm not taking any chances.

"My name's Rafael... What's yours?" He asked with an innocent smile on his face.

I don't wanna respond, but he's so cute and innocent.

"Max..." I answered quietly.

He smiled even wider. " I've always noticed your alone back here, so I thought you needed a friend."

Holy shit this kid is so cute. I looked over at him and put a small smile on my face.

"Hey, do you want to hang out with me and my other friends after school?" Raf asked.

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