Guardian | Chapter 3 |

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\\• It doesn't matter if your in danger or not, Everyone needs a guardian...//•

Warning: Mention of abuse and Self-Harm!


I quietly groaned in pain as I woke up. I was immediately greeted with a orange and white robot.

He seemed to be working on a monitor of some sort. I should be scared, But I'm not...

I mean, It's a giant robot that could squish me with just a small squeeze, but I don't judge from looks.

I started to examine the Robot and noticed he looked like the medic. Considering the markings on his arms.

When he finally looked at me, he jumped in fear. I guess he didn't expect me to be awake. I tilted my head in curiosity.

The robot put a hand over his chest. He then looked at me again and walked over.

" your awake..." he stated as he looked over me and examined me.

" I'm Ratchet, The medic of the Autobots. We are an alien species called Cybertronians."

I nodded in understanding. So there are more?

All of a sudden I heard a soft pair of footsteps approach us. I looked over to see another Robot. This one was taller and gave off the 'I'm the leader' vibe.

He looked at me with soft blue eyes. "I see you have awakened..." He examined.

I nodded slowly to show respect. He was obviously the type that deserved it.

"My name is Optimus Prime, We are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron. " he explained in a more professional and detailed way.

I nodded in understanding.

"You are Max correct?" He asked. How did he know my name?

"I had gone to pick up our other human companions from their education. One the way back here, We found you in the middle of the Road. You were injured so we took you here to our medic." He explained.

I listened carefully. Well, that's how I got here... but that doesn't explain how he knows my name.

"Uh, when you were brought here... you had two bullet wounds and multiple fractured ribs as well as a sprained leg. What happened exactly?"Ratchet said slowly, not sure if It was okay to ask.

I froze. Do I tell them?

I thought for a moment before I slowly shook my head and looked away.

"That is alright if you do not wish to tell us, it Is your decision." Optimus smiled softly.

I sighed and looked at him. " Thank you..." I said quietly. He nodded.

::. Hey Ratchet, we're ready to come back, open a bridge would ya?.::  A deep voice called out from the monitor.

I jumped slightly, but I wasn't scared.

But the moment I saw a Blue portal looking thing, I jumped in fear.

I tried to get back from it. But i stopped when more robots appeared through the portal.

Three to be exact. A big bulky military green one, A small blue female, and a yellow and black bot.

They immediately saw me up and smiled.

The yellow bot waved at me with joy and excitement in his eyes. He was obviously youngest.

"This is the rest of our team, Arcee, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee." Optimus explained.

I slowly waved at them. Only a little frightened.

Ugh I hate meeting people.


After about two hours of watching the others talk, I got bored.

At this point, The wall was more exciting. They weren't as plain as this conversation.

All of a sudden, I saw ratchet approach me.

"I need to speak with you." Ratchet spoke as he picked me up from the bed. I nodded slightly.

Once we were out of the sight of others, he looked at me.

"Roll your sleeves up."


Oh no... Did he find out? I slowly did as told and rolled my sleeves up. The medic looked at the wounds and scars. He then set me down.

"Why do you hurt yourself...?"

I didn't respond. I only looked away.

Ratchet sighed. He then transformed and turned to his holoform. He grabbed my arm and examined them closer.

I flinched at the sudden movement.

"I saw them before, But wanted to confront you..." He stated. I sighed and pulled my hand away.

I didn't respond. If he tells the others I'm most likely done for...

But of course they don't know me...

"Is that why you were in the road? "

I sighed again. "Kind of..." I whispered while looking at the floor.

"I won't tell anyone... as long as you don't do it again..."

I nodded, even though it was a lie. I would just have to be more careful to hide them.

We then made our way back to the medbay.

I sat on the bed and continued to stare at the wall.

In that moment I realized I was tired. I yawned and half closed my eyes.

I then laid down and tried to sleep.


When I woke up once more I heard a lot of yelling.

"Come on Jack! It'll be fun!"

People? Oh no.

I sat up and looked at them.

It was Raf and his friends... Wait... Raf's here?

Before I knew it, The girl saw me.

"Hey! Max is awake!" She yelled as she ran up.

I immediately jumped out of her view.

Curse me and my antisocial problems.

"Whoa, I think I scared him..."

No duh.

Raf slowly walked up to see if I was okay.

I got up and looked at the girl with slight fear in my eyes.

"That's Miko, She can be loud and excited at times... The other one is Jack... He wanted to be your friend for a long time, but he could never find the time to talk to you..." Rafael explained as he smiled at me.

I nodded and looked at the other two.

Miko looked excited to see me, while Jack smiled at me softly.

I only stared in slight fear. God I hate people...

After that had happened Optimus walked into the main area.

"Wait... so if he's here... then who's gonna be his guardian...?" Miko suddenly asked.

Optimus thought for a moment.

"I will..."

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