i love you so much

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After Ahmed left Amy ran into the house crying.

Ty followed her.

He wanted her to know that he wasn't mad at her ,more the situation.

Ty walked into the kitchen to see lou doing the dishes from dinner.

Lou saw Ty and simply pointed in the direction of Amy's room knowing that he was looking for her.

Ty walked down the hallway to Amy's room and knocked on the door.

Can I come in Ty asked.

Okay Amy said her voice shaking.

Ty entered Amy's room to see her laying on her bed sobbing..

He sat on the edge of the bed and started to rub her back in a silent attempt to calm her down.

I'm so sorry Ty Amy said through sobs..

You have nothing to be sorry for Ty said.

I just want him to go away Amy said.

He is gone Ty said.

No Ty you don't understand he's moving to Huston Amy said.

What why Ty asked.

Probably just to ruin my life, ruin us Amy said.

Well if that's the case and he keeps harassing you we can take to court Ty said.

Okay Amy said.

Ty layed down beside her and wrapped his arms around her.

I love you so much Ty said kissing her head.

I love you too Amy said.

6 weeks later.

It was the night before Amy and Ty's wedding.

Amy was sitting on her bed thinking about all of the amazing things that the future could hold for her and Ty.

A house, a business and maybe a baby.

Amy smiled just thinking about it.

She decided to call Ty.

Ty was sitting at the table trailer waiting for caleb to come over when his phone rang.

It was Amy.

I was just thinking about you Amy said

Oh yeah Ty asked.

Yes really Amy said smiling.

I can't believe that we're getting married tomorrow Amy said

Any second thoughts Ty asked.

No not all Amy said.

Good Ty said.

You wanna come over Amy asked.

No that's bad luck Ty said.

Fine be superstitious Amy said jokingly.

I will Ty said.

At that moment caleb came in.

We have a problem caleb said.

Amy gotta go I love you Ty said.

Okay I love you too bye Amy said and hung up

Ty put his phone down on the table and turned to caleb.

What's the problem did you get the tux Ty asked.

Caleb simply unzipped the bag the tux to reveal a powder blue tux .

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