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Amy was out of the hospital and in a lot of therapy to help her recover.

Her the past couple of weeks life certainly hadn't been easy.

Some of the things Amy had been experiencing since the accident were dizziness ,balance issues ,migraines ,nightmares and of course the speech issues.

When Amy got out of the hospital her and Ty moved into the house with the family at heartland.

Ty gently tried to shake Amy awake knowing she was having another nightmare.

Amy sat upright suddenly and let out a blood carding scream.

It's okay Amy no one is going to hurt you holding Amy tight.

Is everything okay lou asked rushing into the room to check on her sister.

Yep everything's fine Amy just had another nightmare Ty said gently wiping the tears off her face with his hand .

Another one lou asked.

I think so Ty said.

Amy nodded.

I hate to see you like this lou said.

I hate being like this lou Amy wrote.

I know it's okay Ahmed is not going to get away with this lou said.

No he definitely is not Ty said.

After a few minutes of making sure Amy was okay loud went back to bed.

Amy clung to Ty.

It's okay I'm right here Ty said knowing she was scared.

What if he comes back Amy wrote.

Well if that happens he's not going to get past me Ty said.

Amy laughed.

Hey I got a laugh Ty said smiling.

I'm still scared to go to back to sleep Amy wrote.

There's nothing to be scared of honey I'm not going to let anything happen to you Ty said.

Amy eventually got back to sleep.

The next morning Amy tried to get out of bed but got dizzy and decided to lay back down.

Meanwhile at hillhurst .

Ahmed was in the stable when he heard footsteps coming up behind him.

Ahmed al Saeed you are under arrest for attempted murder and staking two police officers yelled.

You can't do that to me Ahmed yelled.

Yes we can we have a warrant for your arrest one of the officers said.

Put your hands behind your back the other officer said.

The officers handcuffed Ahmed,led him to the police car and read him his rights.

Back  at heartland.

Amy had eventually managed to get out of bed that day.

Her and Ty had gone for a ride and now she was in the bath relaxing.

She was just getting out of the bath when Ty called her name.

She put on her robe and walked out to the living room.

Look Amy Ty said Ponting to the TV.

Amy looked at the TV to see a news broadcast saying Ahmed was in jail.

Jack, lou and lisa all come out the Kitchen where they were cooking dinner when they heard the TV.

That's awesome lisa said hearing that Ahmed was in jail.

I agree that guy can rot in hell lou said.

I agree I hope he get life in prison Ty said.

Amy walked over to Ty hugged him smiling.

See told you he wouldn't come back Ty said.

He was thrilled to see Amy smile again.

Ty hadn't seen Amy smile since her accident and he hoped she would finally be able feel safe.

I hope you are enjoying this story thanks for reading.

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