Thief Chapter One

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A/N: Finally posting again... I'm a little rusty, but I hope you enjoy <3 PS people do ship Pikey go away gabby

Point of view: Mikey

Gee made me go to school today, so it was destined to suck from the beginning. Gee says it’s important and that I have to go at least 3 days a week so I can actually be someone and get out of the dump we live in. I go, but only to make him feel better. I know I’m never gonna be anything. Going to school is proof of just how much I love my big brother, because that place is my own personal hell. I’m quiet, introverted, poor, and in general the kind of guy that doesn’t work well with high school.

The crap I get would probably be manageable if I had friends, but I don’t. Gerard doesn’t go to school anymore. He had to drop out and get a job so we wouldn’t starve. It’s not like our mom was going to take care of us. No, she’s been a slave to drugs ever since our “dad” left, years ago. She’s not much good for anything anymore. So Gerard works at our local Walmart on week days and I go to school. 2 or 3 times a week I hang out on one of the busier streets and take what I can from the wallets of people walking by.

Gee doesn’t approve, says stealing is wrong. But even he can’t deny that we need the extra money. Walmart doesn’t exactly make us rich.

So today I went to school and I pretended I didn’t mind sitting alone at lunch and I pretended that I didn’t mind getting tripped in the halls or having insults yelled at me and I tried to focus on making something out of myself with an education. When the final bell of the day rang, I walked out of the school with a pounding headache, a few new bruises, and a couple more cracks in what was left of my fragile self esteem. I walked over to a street that I hadn’t frequented too many times, and watched for unsuspecting tourists.

Truth be told I don’t like this anymore than Gee does. I hate the looks of pity or disgust that I get, I hate that my poverty stricken body and my worn out clothes are so obvious. I hate being another worthless kid on the streets of New Jersey, poor, useless, unimportant, a thief. I want to be normal.

My depressing train of thought was interrupted by a guy that was probably around college age, looking at his phone with his earbuds in as he walked. Those were the easiest targets, they were already distracted. I pushed away from the wall, casually walking towards my target, joining the crowd of people walking in that direction. Just as I managed to grab hold of his wallet he turned around to see me. I froze, dropped the wallet, and ran.

I heard him call after me, but I didn’t look back. I finally paused for breath in a nearby alley. That was just bad luck. I almost never got caught. If he hadn’t turned around when he did…

I decided to call it a day, and I started to walk home. When I got to our pathetic excuse of a house, I opened the door and walked in. It’s not like anyone bothered to lock it. We didn’t have anything worth stealing. I threw my backpack on the ground and pulled out the novel we were reading in English. I put on my headphones and spent the remainder of the evening on the homework I’d been putting off. Gerard was working a late shift, and wouldn’t be back until after I was asleep.

I woke up the next morning on the couch with my headphones still on. I panicked when I checked the time because I was so late for class and Gerard was not going to be happy. I jumped up and ran in the kitchen to find Gerard sitting at the table, drinking god awful coffee (the only kind we could afford).

“Hey Mikes, why are you in such a hurry?”

“I- It’s Saturday, isn’t it?” I answered, mentally hitting myself.

“Yep,” Gerard answered, grinning. At least someone found my stupidity amusing.

“Shut up. I’m going for a walk,” I said.

“I didn’t say anything. See ya around, little bro,”.

I pulled on my ratty sneakers and hoodie before walking out the door. There was no point in changing, I only had a few other clothing articles and it wasn’t like they were in any better shape than the ones I wore yesterday. I headed for this empty parking lot that I loved. It’s a great space to clear your head, and it’s away from all the judgemental stares. I sat on the cracked asphalt and thought about the boy from yesterday. The boy who was probably just starting college. He had been tan and muscular and he had great hair.

He had been incredibly attractive. Like captain of the football team attractive. I sat in the parking lot and I thought about how much it sucked that the only contact I would ever have with people like that is when I’m stealing their money. Or when they’re yelling insults at me. He had been the kind of boy that if my life had turned out differently I would have wanted to date. Well, he’s still the kind of guy I would want to date, there’s just absolutely no possibility of it happening, the way my life actually is.

Thinking about that, a single tear slid down my cheek before I wiped it off. College guy was beautiful and undoubtedly popular and a lot better of than I was and guys like that don’t ever look at guys like me with anything other than disgust. Why am I sitting here crying over this? This total stranger? I guess it just reminds me of my place in the world. And I hate being reminded, like I could ever forget.

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