chapter 17

540 13 9

(two years later)

Tris's POV

    About a year ago I gave birth to twins and we named them Percy and Annabeth.  Annabeth is older than her brother by seven minutes.  He took his precious time coming out.  Tobias and I have jobs as self-defense instructors.  Caleb and Cara are brilliant scientists and in their free time teach classes at a local college.  Uriah and Christina had Aly Liz Pedrad and now own a store that practically sell everything.  Shauna and Zeke are doctors and have another son named Kishan. 

    I left Tobias with the twins and am driving the triplets to their favorite store called "Target" to shop for clothes. 

    When we finally arrive, I start to unstrap their seatbelts when I feel a tap on my back and I know what it is from past experiences: a gun.  I put my hands in the air and Natalie, Will, and Shaliene watch me curiously.  "Where's your husband?!"  The man demands harshly, pulling my face towards him with the gun.  He looks very demanding- like he'll do anything to get what he desires.  Even with the ski mask covering his face.

    I make note of his eyes and answer, "What do you want!!!!!!!!"

    He strikes me hard with his gun- but not hard enough to knock me out.  He points the gun to Shaliene's head and gets ready to fire.  "Let me ask you again.  WHERE...IS...YOUR...HUSBAND."

    He says it like a statement, like he knows that I'll comply with his demands, which of course, I do.  "He's at the house," I say, weakly.  "Who ARE you, anyway?"

    "That's for me to know, and for you to find out!  Now here is the deal.  You are gonna drive us out of this parking lot.  And no talking!!!!!"  I nod and get into the driver's seat.  Once we leave, he tells me to turn left and that's what I do.  Eventually, we end up at an abandoned storage garage and park the car inside.  "I think you know the drill, Tris."  He tells me.  He gets out of the car and I wait for him to open my door.

    When he comes over and opens the door while pointing the gun at me, I ask, "Are you going to tell me who you are?"

    "My name is Eddy.  Eddy Fargo.  Pleased to meet you."  He reaches out his hand for me to shake.  I look at it like it is a deadly weapon.  I shake his hand and he looks pleased.  "Now....  If you are willing to cooperate, I will put the gun away and your kids won't be traumatized.  Agreed?"  He looks at me questioningly.

    "Fine.  Even though they already are," I utter.  "Is it alright with you if I get the kids out of the car?"  I ask sarcastically.

    "By all means."  I start to unbuckle their seatbelts and think about how I can contact Tobias.


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