Chapter 2

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I was currently having tea outside when I hear my name get called by the king.

King: I see your enjoying a little bit of time by yourself.

I stand up and bow at his presence

Y/n: My deepest apologies for this I will tend to the princess.

King: No need to bow and apologize I just wanted to see how you are doing at your first day.

Y/n: I was told to give her some time to herself hence why I'm here outside taking a break.

King: Very well I really don't want to ruin your break but can you check up on her I'm just worried.

Y/n: I will go ahead Sire*bows and walks away*

I started to walk to her room and got to front of her doorstep.

Y/n: *Knocks*Princess the king wanted me to check on you Am I intruding? There was no answer

I knocked again a little bit louder than the first one still no answer.

I decided to open the door to see if she was inside the room.

Y/n: Pardon the intrusion.

I saw no one inside and rushed downstairs to tell the king.

Y/n: Sire the princess is not in her room.

King: WHAT?!! *Calls the nearest maid and tells her to look for the princess outside and inside the palace*.

Y/n: My deepest apologies for losing her I'll help look for her outside.*Walks away*

Y/n*Mind*: Where could she have gone? I have an intuition she is near a forest. I believe I saw a forest near the gate of the kingdom.

Zara POV

I'm currently outside the kingdom wearing a hood so I don't get recognized, I just wanted a bit of time for myself after the argument I know a part on the forest that I liked to visit when I was a little kid.

I got to the huge tree were I used to picnic all the time but when I got there was a canavar near it I was terrified, I never encountered a canavar in this forest and the bad thing is I'm all alone. The canavar looked like a oversized hedgehog but with black fur and its eyes were red and its quills were gigantic.

I started to creep my way out of there hoping that it wouldn't notice but I stepped on a branch and noticed me
Zara"Mind*: How cliche author really?

Author: Hey shut up and read the script right.


I started to run away as fast as I could, I was nearing the exit of the forest but I tripped. The canavar looked like it stopped and readying to shoot its quills at me. The canavar shot its quills at me upwards straight at me. The projectile was slow and  had the chance to roll away and did I stand up and tried to run but i couldn't. I just fell on my knees and I saw the canavar about to shoot its quills again.


I didn't hear anyone and the canavar shot its quills at me again I just closed my eyes ready to accept my fate I felt myself get swooped away by somebody.

Cliffhangerrrrrr sorry about that but hopefully you enjoyed this chapter and thank you for reading this byeeeeeee.

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