Chapter 3

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Zara POV

I opened my eyes to see Y/n carrying me.

Y/n: I'm sorry, I'm late princess
he says nonchalantly.

He sets me down and gets ready to charge the canavar.

Y/n: Please get away from here as much as possible.

The canavar shoots its quills again but the quills it shot looked bigger but Y/n just weaves through them in incredible speed then he kicks it in the face, The canavar got launched back a few feet and it got enraged but Y/n looked unfazed by it the canavar looked away from Y/n and looks at me and charges at me I close my eyes feeling helpless in this situation waiting for the pain but it didn't come, I heard flesh being digged into but i didn't feel pain, I opened my eyes to see Y/n's arm being bit by the canavar

(Like the picture up above)

I gasped at this but Y/n still keeping the unfazed look and then

Y/n: I thought you wanted to be a canavar hunter but you look helpless right now.

After he said that his breath was visible like he was in a cold environment and then ice spikes came out from inside the canavar and killing it effortlessly the canavar's body then fell down limp with the ice spikes still being visible.

Then, the guards from the kingdom arrived in the scene and gasped at the scene in front of them.


Zara POV

King: Why did you leave? He asked with a worried expression.

Zara: I just wanted a little time for myself.

King: Are you upset about our little argument?

Zara: Yes, I am.

King: Zara, Your mother and I want to talk to you later.

I just nod and walk back to my room but i notice someone following behind me.

It was Y/n

Y/n: I wanted to apologize for what I said earlier, It was just the heat of the moment.

Zara: I also wanted to apologize to you for worrying you and the others and for leaving without saying anything.

Zara: But I didn't know that you are a canavar hunter.

He looked a bit annoyed on what I said, I was about to say something but he cut me off.

Y/n: I was supposed to be one but something happened.

When he said that he avoided my confused gaze and walked away not even allowing me to apologize for what I said.

(Another Timeskip)(Still Zara POV)

I was inside a room with Mother and Father.

King: Sit down with us Zara.

Zara: So, what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?

King: We wanted to talk about why you wanted to join a canavar hunter's academy.

Zara: I actually- I want to help cleanse this world of canavar. I want my people to know that they can live in peace without the canavar bothering their lives.

Queen: Even if it means you turn to a monster like them.

Zara: If it means to keep them safe. I am willing to do so.

They both smile at me warmly and say.

King and Queen: You will make a fine queen someday.

King: You have a lot of time before you start academy, So while you still don't attend one I want you to practice on some way to protect yourself.

Zara: Does that mean-

King: Yes, I will allow you to attend a canavar hunter academy.

I smile and tear up a little bit and hug both of them.

King: And I think i know the one that can help you with combat.

He looks at the door and says

King: You may come in.

I looked to see Y/n come in with the same expression

King: Seeing as you are a experienced with canavar hunting, I want you to teach my daughter with your knowledge of combat and with canavar.Can you do that for me?

Y/n smiles at me a bit and looks back at father.

Y/n: You can count on me sire.


Y/n*Mind*: So they choose me as the princesses' mentor huh?

Chapter End

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