Chapter 5

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(Ehhhhh I know, I haven't uploaded for a while and this chapter isn't fair since it's short but plz bear with me. I have been focusing on things like my files for tranfering schools, I'm really sorry. But still I hope you enjoy this chapter I'll try to get back to writing some more).

Zara's POV

I was walking through the castle's hallways when, I started to think about what (Y/n) said.

''I had high grades and stats and they gave me one of the strongest canavar bloods but then some of my classmates were jealous and framed me to get me expelled''.

Zara: He got expelled because he got framed by his classmates, What a horrible thing to do to someone but i guess anyone will do anything for power.

(Y/n)'s POV

Whilst staring at the night sky I saw the moon turn blood red and I took another sip from my cup knowing exactly what was about to happened when that moon turns blood red.

After seeing that I started to think back at that faithful day when it all started.

Flashback (Y/n's POV)

10 years ago I lived in a village outside of the kingdoms.

The village I lived in was a small and peaceful one, We were poor but we were happy me and my parents didn't really struggle to live there.

That day, I was laying down in the grass relaxing then-

Alisa: (Y/n)!

I looked at the direction of the voice to see my best friend Alisa back then she and I were inseperable we would always play, talk, and relax together.

She got close to where I was laying down and said

Alisa: Your laying down with yourself again.

(Y/n): I was just having an alone time.

Alisa: You really enjoy being alone always excluding your best friend.

(Y/n): Whatever.

Alisa: Hey (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Yeah?

Alisa: What do you wanna be when you grow up?

(Y/n): Why are you asking me that all of the sudden?

Alisa: Just answer the question!

(Y/n): No need to yell alright, Well I wanna be a novelist.

Alisa: So you wanna write books?

(Y/n): Yeah I like reading books my mother has a couple of novels in the house and some of them intrigue me but some of them are just not good.

Alisa: Lame.

(Y/n): Your lame.

Alisa: No you are.

(Y/n): *Sigh*

After our short conversation I notice the sun was setting and knew I had to go home.

(Y/n): It's getting late lets go home.

Alisa: *Groans* Fiiiinnneee.

We walked back to our houses when I saw my house we parted ways.


I was laying down in my bed reading a book when I saw the moon turn blood red and heard howling from afar.

I decided that it's a sign that I have to go to sleep since its already late so I did.

I went to sleep, Then whilst sleeping I was woken up by my father shaking me violently, I rub my eyes and looked at my father he was wearing a horrified expression and was putting his finger to his lips signalling me to be quiet.

He then whispered to me


The hell? That wasn't in the script CUT!

Take 2:

He then whispered to me with that horrified expression still present in his face and I noticed he was holding an axe.

Dad: Follow me quietly and try not to make any noises okay?

I nodded and stood up and followed my father to the living room to see my mother standing near the door she was about to open it but then the door was sent flying before she could open it.

We looked at the thing that did it and I frozed.

I saw a giant werewolf like monster standing there it had sharp vicious claws and it's eyes were glowing red it was about to attack my mom when dad used the axe to chop it's head off blood started to spray everywhere as the creatures head rolled on the ground as its body fell to the ground.

My Father shouted to my mom to get me out of here and she picked me up and as we were about to leave the creature stood up and it's head started regenerating making it look like nothing happened to it.

I was beyond terrified at this point and hugged my mom tightly as she started to run whilst running she stopped and i turned around to look what she saw and I smiled at what it was.

Alisa: (Y/n)?

She said with teary eyes with a bit of blood on her clothes.

(Y/n): ALISA!

My mom told me to keep quiet and told Alisa to run with us she nodded hesitantly and we started running then we stopped at the sight of the same big werewolf creature back at the house only now it has a human arm in its mouth when my mom frozed at the sight of that arm I froze seeing the same ring my father wears.

Mom told me and Alisa to run as she charges at the creature.

I was hesitant and my eyes started to water then Alisa started pulling my arm her hair covering her eyes.

We started running and running until we reached the kingdom's gates.

Alisa started to tell the guards what happened to us and the guards started informing the kingdom.

They let us in and the guards put us in their barracks.

I was still traumatised over seeing both my parents die in front of me. I looked over to Alisa and she was very angry she started murmurings things i couldn't hear.

Flashback END

After looking back at that event I took another sip from my cup

(Y/n): This is some really good tea.

I stood up and took one last glance at the moon before walking to my own room not before hearing howling from afar.

(Y/n): I guess that's my sign to go to sleep.

I grinned knowing someone else will take care of that after all its not my job.

Chapter END

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