Authors suggestion ( listen to confidence )

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This is a story that will bring us to think of the dangers of the world and the reason I am afraid of the abyss. If you want to make reading this better listen the songs that are in the titile of the chaptter or if it says

NOTE: listen to confednce

If you have any suggestions on music (has to be pandora hearts) please to put them in my

Comments box at the bottom of the pages ( might not get all of them) any ways lets begin,

As I'm writing this I want to inform you that i am writting this in abyss and in my last moments before being swallowed whole by abyss and I hope that both of my children make it out unharmed and well.

I was 15 when I got into a fight with my brother and I ran away from the manor It was a cold fall day I hardly remember anything except that I was on the streets shivering my fingers were becoming numb I started to cry knowing it would end with me freezingto death when would the torture end?. I heared a sound of horses hooves clomping against the stone road I looked Up an saw a man with long blonde hair his eyes scared me at fist for one was green and The other was a ruby red he reached out his hand and helped me up to my feet I weakly Smiled and passsed out when I woke I was in a bed the air felt warm not cold but warm I Looked around and saw a box that cought my attention I got up just as soon as the strange Man came in he smiled I did a little smile back at me he handed me the box inside was a Lovely red silk dress with a few bows and ruffels I must admit I had never seen such a Beautiful dress I looked at him then he spoke up, " My name is Vincent nightray umm if you Need some where to stay then you are more then welcome to stay" he walked out of the room And came back a few minutes later handing me a bowl of soup I thanked him for bieng so nice to me. A few months passed and Vincent let me stay I then spoke to him about repaying him, " vincent you've been so nice I just don't know how to thank you enough what do I do to repay such a good deed, I got it what if I repay you by bieng your servant as long as

you want"

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