Ever thought of romance that lasted for eternity?

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It had been a few days after master Glen did something I thought he would never do,

I went outside for some air when I saw a carriage pull up I stood in the entrance, a man with long velvet hair stepped out of the carriage i did not know who it was he walked up to me and asked, " my lady you wouldn't possibly know where Lacie bakersvile is?" I looked at him and spoke "my name is Lacie bakersvile and what is your business with me anyways?" I relized that He was the duke Rufus was it? He gave me a gift wrapped box and kissed my hand I thought to myself, " why is everyone think I'm some sort of reward or girlfriend" I let out a sigh of relief When he left I went back inside the manor and opened the wrapped box inside were the prettiest white and red shoes I'd ever seen I flew up the the stairs and got into a white silk dress with many ruffles with ruby red trimming I put on a ruby necklace and a bow in my long

silky dark brown hair. As I ran downstairs I saw a note on the table I picked it up and reed it I was flabbergasted when I reed it I quickly ran out of the house I went over to Alice's tower I rushed up the stairs to see nothing only an empty room with thousands of creepy puppets feeling defeted i felll to the ground weeping then something grabbed me looking up i saw Glen the world seemed to freeze then I woke up sweating in bed, had it all been a dream NO it was not the room seemed as if I had never woken.

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