Nearly Time to Go/ Crazy Night

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It had been a few hours since Jack and I kissed, this was the first time in that whole hour that I thought about it, I went over to the table were all the food and drinks were and I grabbed one of the many glasses I took a whiff of it and swirled it around - a 20 year old wine, it had a nice taste in the beginning and the after taste was smooth.

I smiled why did even come over here."Hey Lacie come here" I turned around and walked toward the voice it was Oswald drinking his usual cup of blood, I noticed it smelled of alcohol I looked at him a second and he looked at me back

"Hey Oswald can I try some?"

"hmm? Oh sure." I took one tiny sip of the thick dark red liquid and surprisingly it tasted good, I smiled handing the cup of blood back to Oswald. 

The music started to play and Jack took me by the hand, I was shocked at first but, smiled we seemed to glide. For once I felt free, free, and happy.

 Soon Levi took me by the hand and Levi and I danced but it did not fell as good as me dancing with Jack, hours flew by and soon names were being called for something and soon I heard.


 but why did they call him up?." This man will be the new Glen our new leader!" he grabbed Oswald's hand raised it up high for all to see and everyone started to cheer expect me, I felt something that was cold, horrific and blood filled would soon happen. 

Another few hours flew by and it was time to go and I was glad to be out in the fresh air.

I saw a child run across the yard laughing so I deiced to follow him, he stops and turns a round slowly holding a pair of scissors, he began to cry."Hey what's the matter?"." Glen wants me to join his family but I know what he's planning he wants to get rid of all the children of Ill omen and he will send them ALL to the abyss." 

"NO." My eyes widened in shock and I started to laugh maniacally.

"He wont get me.."

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