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Yuta was walking down the halfway and was stopped by no other than mark.

"So we have a new transfer who is coming to this college today"

"I know mark, I'm supposed to show him around"

"Oh cool"

"There he is right there so I have to go so I can show him to his classes"

"Okay see you in class"

Yuta waved bye to his best friend then went to taeyong.

"So are you ready for your tour"

"More than ever"


Yuta was in his first class that he coincidentally had with taeyong. They sat together and talked a good bit. Yuta usually don't talk to much in the first class but the two had so much to catch up on.

On the other hand winwin wasn't to happy with yuta. He thought he was flirting with this new guy.

"Mr Lee go sit in the third row or stop talking"

"I.. I will stop talking Mr. Dong"

Almost every kid in this classes talked so yuta thought that was weird of winwin to single taeyong out like that.

1 hour later

The class was over and yuta went to winwins desk.

"What the hell is wrong with you"

"What do you mean"

"You have been acting like a dick to me and taeyong the while class period"

"Well you wouldn't shut up so I separated you two"

"Yeah then you kept getting on to him ever time he even opened his mouth"

"He talks to much"

"So does everybody in this damn class but you never get on to them"

"We can talk about this some other time"

"No I want to talk about this now"

"Well I have a class coming in so leave"

Yuta stormed out of the room.


Yuta was walking to his car and saw winwin and one of the girl students who was a couple years older than him all over winwin.

He rolled his eyes and just got in his car.

He suddenly got a text from winwin saying to come to his place around 5pm.

"What does he want "

The Professor (yuwin FF)Where stories live. Discover now