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A constant, deafening sound filled Austin's ears. It was one most people hate to hear, as it usually prevented them from hearing their own thoughts. The agonizing sound of yourself chewing something. Fortunately, to the kitsune it wasn't that annoying, instead he managed to tune it out, and just get lost in thought. In fact, he was so lost in thought that a silence swept over the entire lunch room, and all the chatter amongst the other students had temporarily ceased to exist.

The only thing to take him out of his daze was a thunderous slam, which had pierced through his land of silence, and had also made the entire table shake. His attention instantly snapped over to the source of this noise to where Ruby had been standing, and in front of her was probably the largest binder to exist. "Sisters! Friends! Weiss." Ruby had begun, causing a "Hey!" to emit from Weiss.

"Four score and seven minutes ago, I had a dream." She continued, which caused Amber to quietly say "That's not... I'm scared." Everybody watched her hand movements, and listened as she continued to explain how she planned for all of them to have the "most fun anybody has ever had! Ever!" Coming from Ruby, it's completely understandable why Amber is scared.

Weiss was complaining about Ruby taking her binder, and Austin quietly chuckled seeing how worked up it made her. Blake asked what Ruby was talking about, to which the hooded girl answered "I'm talking about kicking off the semester with a bang!" Sadly, Yang retorted with kicking the semester of with a 'Yang', and quite frankly deserved the tomato Nora threw at her for how dumb the pun was.

Ruby explained how they've had a good couple of weeks, but more exchange students were showing up, the tournament was now closer than before, and classes start back up the next day. When mentioning how she planned things to do that day, Weiss commented "I don't know whether to be proud, or scared of what you have in store." to which Amber told her "Scared. I am terrified of what her idea of fun is."

"Give her a break, I'm sure it'll be fine!" Mark defended, waving off the two girls. "I don't know, I think I might sit this one out." Blake responded. Weiss started going on about how she felt her and her team should spend the last day of freedom together, or at least she was right before a pie got thrown right into her face. It fell off instantly, but a hush fell between both tables.

Normally Austin would break into laughter, but he stayed silent, and actually scooted away a bit, genuinely worried for what was about to go down. That was the smart reaction, for Weiss instantly grabbed a tomato, and launched it back at Nora, the one who threw the pie. Unfortunately for the girl, it managed to hit somebody else because Nora had ducked, and from there, complete and utter chaos erupted.

It was the whole lunchroom for maybe ten seconds, before Teams RWBY, JNPR, and AGMA took over, completely going to war with each other. It got so bad that Jaune was thrown into a window, but by who is completely unknown. Maybe a literal minute later, and everybody else was storming out the lunch room screaming "Food Fight!" Nora had been on top of a tower of tables, as well as vending machines. She shouted "I'm queen of the castle! I'm queen of the castle!" while the rest of her team acted as guards for their 'queen'.

The surprising part was, Mark and Gaia had been helping JNPR, while Austin and Amber resided on RWBY's team. Once Ruby had declared the battle to begin, everybody started to rush at each other with attacks. Countless watermelons were thrown at Ruby's side, which Yang and Blake handled. Then one on one matches started to happen.

Ren charged at Austin, who was holding a carrot that he managed to quickly carve into something resembling a sword. He blocked the celery in his opponent's hands, pushing them back and slashing sideways, which was knocked back by the celery. He then tried slamming his makeshift blade down from diagonally overhead, also being blocked.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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