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Angélic's POV (hello)

My anxiety grows each day. I cannot stop thinking about Peter. I want him to come so badly. I hope he understood what I meant. I hope he remembered. The wedding grows closer and closer. With it the abuse of my beloved fiancée. His anger seems to intensify with each passing day. No matter what I say or do nothing helps to resolve his temper. I do not know how my life has lead to this point. If I had not moved away from New York then all would be okay. Who knows, Peter and I might actually still be in contact at the very least. I moved to LA for a job opportunity that I could not pass up. I am an actress. I got a movie offer and a directing job. It was my dream coming true. All the while it was on the opposite of where everyone I loved is. Peter was the one to convince me to go and make my dream come true. We promised each other we would stay in contact but then his career took off as well. Then we grew further and further apart. I lost him entirely then. Now I am reaching out as a final attempt to free myself from this abusive relationship. If this fails then I will have to take my last option. Ending my life.

"Are you getting ready bitch?" Sebastian said with venom in his words.

"Yes darling." I replied monotone.

"Good, try not to embarrass me today. I need a fiancée that actually plays the part and matches my life style. You will have to do." He spat.

"I will do whatever you need me to do darling." Again monotone.

"Damn right you will. Otherwise you know what will happen." His hand suddenly was around my throat. Pressing on the bruise he left the night before.

"I know darling." I said.

I guess he heard the fake ness of my voice clearly because he pinned me against the wall.

"You ungrateful bitch. Have some emotion. Otherwise people may notice. Cover the bruises up and wipe the tears. You look like an insult to my name." He yelled.

His hand loosened. Dropping me to the ground. He left the room and headed downstairs. I cried harder. I hadn't even realized I was crying until he pointed it out. But as usual I did as I was told and covered the bruises and made it look like nothing ever happened. I put on skinny jeans, high heels, a blouse, and my hair worn down. After making sure everything was concealed and not noticeable I walked down stairs.

Peter's POV

"She wrote 234 in her letter. That has to be the room. It was the one we always stayed in." Peter spoke to himself.

He began to walk to room 234. When he came to face the door that held so many childhood memories everything became so real. He knocked.

No answer.


No answer.

"I guess it meant something else." He spoke in pain.

Heading back he decided to head to the pool. The only other place he could think of. He almost started to jog. His nerves where acting wild. He had no idea what she would say. She may have not thought he would show. He was not about to break his promise and leave here in harms way. He saw the light of the pool shining on the floor. Soon enough he opened the doors to see a group of people he did not know. But one red head stood out. Jamie. Angélic's older brother. He made his way through the crowd and tapped Jamie's shoulder.

"Oh my god Peter. It is so good to see you man. Thank god you made it!" Jamie exclaimed.

"I would not miss this Jamie. Where is she?" He question.

"Peter there is something you need to know. She is not okay. This engagement has danger written all over it. She will not let me in man. I miss my baby sister. Sebastian is doing something to her I know it." He explained.

"I know Jamie. She wrote me a letter and said the words I'll love you until the moon fades. That was always our code for trouble. I am here to help her if I can." Peter reassured Jamie.

"Thank god. At least she will open up to you. I know she will. I can't wait for you to see her. She has grown up so much." Jamie smiles.

"I can't wait to either." Peter said.

"Look there she is." Jamie pointed.

Peter jerked around to see a grown up version of the child he came to adore. Her hair was down to her hips. Her curves had filled in perfectly. Skin was flawless. Yet her smile was fake. He saw the tears she was fighting to keep at bay. Sebastian has broken her. He could hardly see the excitement, determination and adventure in her. The qualities he came to admire.

His eyes were locked on her every movement. Then her own came to lock with his.


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