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Peter paced about his room worried about Angélic. He could not get rid of the horrible thoughts in his mind. His worry grew minute by minute. She was not safe here and he could see how broken she was. It killed him that he had not reached out to her before all of this. He never knew why they had drifted but it happened. All he could do was hope for a brighter future for the both of them.

It was now past 2 am. He laid wide awake. Hoping for an idea to come to mind. Yet nothing did.

'Knock knock'

Peter jerked up from where he laid. Racing to the door. Anxious to see who it was. Grabbing hold of the doorknob he opened the door. What he saw was not what he wanted to see. In fact now anger grew inside of him.


"You have a lot of nerve coming to my room." Peter gritted his teeth.

"You have some nerve coming here at all. Who gave you permission to show up here?" Sebastian hissed.

"I used to come here frequently when I was young. I missed it. I don't need permission to come anywhere." Peter said quick.

He did not want to risk Angélic getting hurt.

"Bullshit. She told you to come here didn't she? That stupid bitch." Sebastian had venom in his words.

"Watch your damn mouth. You do not talk about her that way. She is a beautiful woman and does not deserve to be treated so poorly by the likes of you." Peter growled getting close to his face.

"She is my fiancé. I will speak about her anyway I please." Sebastian snickered.

"I have beaten the shit out of men better than you." Peter said.

Sebastian laughed at the comment.

"If I am so bad how come she said yes to marrying me?" He questioned.

"Probably because you held a gun to her head while you asked! She was in love with you! Until you started beating her for no damn reason and sleeping with other women! She works hard and deserves a hell of a lot more than you could ever give her!" Peter yelled angrily.

"It sounds like you have feelings for my fiancé. I can give her more than you can." Sebastian mocked.

"I could give her freedom, affection, protection, and promises that I can keep." Peter said.

"Too bad you won't get the chance to. Stay away from her." Sebastian said with a grin.

Peter's anger grew more and more. He began to close the door.

"Oh and Peter is it? Doesn't matter. If you decide to play hero. I won't hesitate to ruin your planned happily ever after. After all you can only save her if she is alive."

In that moment Peter was afraid. Afraid of a man that was 8 inches shorter than him. (Everyone knows that Peter was extremely tall) More importantly he was afraid that Angélic was not safe. One wrong move and everything would be forfeited. What was he going to do?

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