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Both walked quickly towards one another and became locked in a beautiful embrace. One that read remembrance, reunion, love, and passion. Both let go to see how much had changed about the other.

"Angélic, you grew up so much." He said. "You look so beautiful."

A blush comes across her cheeks.

"Thank you Peter. You grew up too. I think you actually did get taller." She giggled.

He smiled slightly. At the least she still has her sass.

"You might be right. Can we go talk somewhere?" He asked.

"I can't. He won't let me leave now." She explained.

He grew angry at those words. He truly did possess her. He controlled her. Peter knew he had to help her get out of this.

"Well how about we meet this famous Sebastian I continue to hear so much about?" He implied.

"He is over here." She led the way.

Peter's anger grew by the second. He was led to a tall man will almost black eyes. No soul or heart behind them. His ash blonde hair done slick back. He looked like an ass hat. Someone Peter would just punch. No reason required.

"Darling, I have someone to introduce to you." Angélic spoke gently

"Not now, I am busy catching up with my colleagues." Sebastian said harshly.

"But it is someone important to me. I would really like the two of you to get to know each other." She persisted.

"I said not now." Sebastian spat.

"I think it is of a gentleman manner to kindly do as his fiancée asks. After all the wedding hasn't happened." Peter interrupted the conversation.

Sebastian's eyes turned and if looks could kill Peter would be dead on the ground. No one has ever dared to go against what he said and now a new man he has never met came to challenge his authority.

"I will do as I please. She can wait." Sebastian snarled.

"Awfully inconsiderate of you to say about your bride to be. If she was mine I would treat her as a Queen. I could only dream of winning the heart of someone so gorgeous as her. Spending the rest of my life trying to make her happy." Peter said.

Angélic's heart kept at Peter's words. She had not had such kind words spoken of her in years.

"Peter..." she whispered.

"Well she is not yours now is she? I can do or say whatever I want. Go bother someone else with your guest." He said coldly.

"Yes, darling." She said defeated.

She turned away from her soon to be husband and started off to the poolside. Peter followed hot on her heels. She kicked off her heels. She sat down putting her bare feet in the cool water. Peter sat next to her with his legs crossed.

"How did you get tangled up in this?" He questioned with concern.

"I was in a movie with him. He was nice in the beginning. After the movie ended and we were serious, he changed. I guess he just wanted a good image. Yet, I could not walk away. He has the power to ruin my career. I only just started." She explained.

"Angélic you can't keep this up. I see what it is doing to you. You lost your spark. There is no life in your eyes. He broke you." He said sadly.

"I know he did. He broke me when he slept with another girl. His excuse was that I was not exciting." She said.

"I'm gonna kill him." Peter growls.
He got up and headed for Sebastian.

"Peter no!" She shouted.

She got up and stepped in front of him.

"Why not? He hurt you! You are letting him destroy you." He argued.

"Because this will do nothing but spite him and then I will have to pay for it later. I need you to keep your head cool and low. Please Peter. Please." She begged. Tears forming in her eyes.

"He hit you? How much?" His voice a whisper.

"Any and everywhere. However much he needed to calm down." She said.

Peter put a hand to her face. Cupping her cheek.

"How much makeup do you have on?" He questioned.

"Enough..." her voice broke.

"Let me fix this. I will make sure he never hurts you again." He pleaded.

"How?" She said.

"I will take you away from here. Start fresh. I will find you a role. Please just let me take you away from here?" He begged her.

"I would love to Peter but he always told me that if I ran he would find me." She said.

"Not where we would go." He said.

"The cabin?" She whispered.

"Mhmm." He nodded.

"It would take some time to get out of here." She said.

"I will take all the time I can. I want you to be safe." He whispered.

"Let's do it."

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