Drama + Horror

28 4 2

Genre: Drama and Horror

Date: 2-27-20

Lily had been waiting for Amasa to ask her to homecoming for weeks but Markus asked her first. She said yes to him because she felt bad and thought Amasa never would. A week later he came to her house after school with a homecoming poster and she was overwhelmed with excitement but then she remembered Markus. She decided to, in the nicest way possible, tell Markus that she’d have to change plans. She went up to him in the cafeteria and told him that she’d been asked by someone else and had decided to go with him instead. Markus was infuriated and heartbroken. “Who asked you?” he asked her. “Amasa” Lily replied. Markus stood up, towering over Lily who was still sitting at the table. “My brother?!” he exclaimed before storming out of the cafeteria.

Lily met up with Amasa before and they rode together to the dance. She was having so much fun that she wasn’t even thinking about Markus. She didn’t even notice that he wasn’t there. Amasa drove her and her group of friends back to her house because they were all having a sleepover. They took a while to say their goodbyes but Amasa finally said that it was getting late and he had to get home. Lily and her friends waved to Amasa as he drove away before walking up to the front door. Their laughter could be heard a little ways down the street as they talked about the events that had occured at the dance. Lily opened the door and walked in turning on the lights. She hadn’t walked into the house very far though before she heard her friends’ voices cut off and spotted something on the wall. Lily froze when she saw that it was written in fresh blood that dripped down the wall. “You’re next,” it said. She turned around slowly and screamed when she saw the lifeless, blood covered bodies on the ground in the doorway.

Amasa belongs to hxnahakii although this is basically an au since they aren't really brothers.

~ Spirit

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