Flaming Moonlight

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Genre: Suspense

Date: 3-12-20

     A dark haired girl walked slowly down the sidewalk, another girl with dark hair beside her. The rain soaked through their clothes and made their hair stick to them. The older girl glanced at an opening between the buildings up ahead and then nudged the younger one. "Let's head in that alley up ahead." the older one said and the two quickened their pace until they reached the alley. They looked around for some shelter and spotted a cluster of boxes which they hurried to get under.

     The younger girl shivered beside the older one. "How long until we find another place to stay, Adele?" She asked. She wasn't too young, but was definitely younger than Adele. Maybe about sixteen or seventeen.

     Adele sighed and wrapped her arms around the other girl. "I don't know." she said quietly and looked out at the rain coming down. "I'm so sorry, Jayla, this is my fault. I shouldn't have been gone for so long. "

     Jayla shook her head. "You couldn't have known they were going to tear down that old building. Don't blame yourself, nothing we've been through is your fault. "

     Adele didn't reply. But it is my fault, she thought. She was staring at the ground outside when she heard footsteps. She froze and kept her arms wrapped around Jayla protectively; and, without any warning, the box shelter they had quickly made collapsed, the boxes folding over each other and onto the wet ground. Adele immediately stood up and spread her arms in front of Jayla protectively, glaring at the five dark figures almost completely surrounding them.

     A guy with midnight black hair stepped forward. "What are you doing out here, all alone on a night like this?" he asked, his hair dripping with rain.

     Adele made a small gesture to Jayla and the girl stood up before the two of them slowly began to back out of the alley. "Nothing, we were just leaving." She kept her eyes on the dark figures in front of them but tilted her head to the side to whisper to Jayla. "Come on, let's get out of here."

     At that comment, the two girls whirled around to dash out of the dark alley but stopped when they saw a taller, bulkier figure blocking their path. The person looked up and cold, icy blue eyes looked into Adele's dark ones. "You're not going anywhere." A dark voice said and the figure, who appeared to be a man, started towards them.

     Adele and Jayla slowly started to back away from him, only to bump into the other unrecognizable figures. The two girls froze and all the figures moved to surround them, the man with icy eyes in the lead. Adele's gaze darted around warily, she wasn't going to let them hurt Jayla. So she had her arm around Jayla cautiously, what did these people want?

     As they walked through the alleyway, Adele noticed that it was bigger than she thought. There were other alleyways connected to this one but the dark figures just lead the two girls straight. Adele squinted through the rain and she saw a small building that looked to be a club or something. The lights were on, but why would there be a club all the way back here?

     They walked into the club and Adele blinked, her eyes adjusting to the dim light. She saw many people inside, each in a small group. Some were playing pool or poker, while others were at the bar. Who are these people, and what do they want with us? Adele wondered. Jayla was looking around curiously but cautiously. Adele glanced down at her sister and sighed, could they never catch a break? What if these people tried to kill them or something?

     The people lead the sisters into a small room before exiting, leaving Adele and Jayla inside the room with the icy blue eyed man. He slowly walked to the front of the room to look at them. "Now, tell me, who are you? Hardly anyone comes into our alley, especially on a night like this. " he said.

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