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DISCLAIMER: The following text may be disturbing to some people. It includes things like self-harm and self-hate so if you are sensitive to this kind of thing, I would suggest not reading this particular story.

Genre: Young Adult Fiction

Date: 3-4-20

Lexi hissed in pain as the Warden pressed a scolding hot piece of metal to her face. Her eyes were narrowed and a slight whimper could be heard from her. The Warden then removed the metal which he was holding by using pliers and thick heat resistant gloves. "Are you ready to behave, Kitty?" he asked her. Lexi looked down but didn't answer. The Warden pressed the metal to her face again and Lexi yelped, jerking away. "Okay, okay!" she said and the Warden smiled, lowering the scolding metal piece. He stood up straight and looked down at her.

Lexi didn't even know what she did wrong, besides having a bit of fun. She'd crashed an exclusive party; how was she supposed to know it was for the President's birthday? But she'd made it much more fun than it had been before. Before Lexi had entered, there had been classical music playing and just people talking to each other. Well she had changed it quickly. The first thing she'd done was change the music, it wasn't a party if people weren't dancing. She'd then spray painted the walls with the spray paint cans she'd brought. Lexi also brought all the alcohol she could carry; better than whatever they were drinking before. But she hadn't even drank a whole bottle of vodka when the police crashed in and took her back to the asylum. Such party poopers, they never let her have any fun.

The warden spoke into his walkie talkie and almost immediately after, armed guards rushed in. Lexi rolled her eyes, looks like it was time to go back to her cage. "Alright, Kitty. Time to go back to your cage." the Warden said as he and the guards approached her. She was already in a straight jacket, did they really need this whole team of guards? What about the other people at the asylum? But Lexi knew that she was the only one who would sneak out and the most troublesome at the asylum. Even though she was only 17, she was like a vicious tiger. Or a panther.

Lexi didn't even move when they made her stand up and walk out of the room. The party and vodka had made her tired so she didn't feel like putting up a fight today. The Warden smiled when they shoved her into her cage, she hadn't even said a word. "That's a good Kitty." he said with a grin before leaving the room. The guards walked out with him but Lexi knew that four of them would stand right outside the door, guarding it. She lightly touched the side of her face and winced. This wasn't the worst punishment she's gotten. Maybe the time when they sent an electric shock through her head, but not this. Although, this was definitely going to make a mark. Hopefully it wouldn't ruin her perfectly flawless looks. Lexi yawned and curled up on the floor before falling asleep.

* * * * * * *

Lexi awoke and stretched out before standing up. She gently moved her hand along the burn on her face and winced, it still hurt. She sighed and looked around. There was no way she was going to stay inside all day. So she waited for the guards to bring her some breakfast. She shook her head when they left. Although she didn't mind the food here, she would much rather go out and get some real food, maybe even a drink too.

She uncovered the hole she'd dug about two years ago; she didn't know how the guards haven't discovered it yet. Lexi climbed through the hole which lead over by a wall with a window a little ways up. Beside the wall were boxes that held emergency weapons. She smiled and climbed up the boxes and through the window. Lexi wasn't going to take the weapons because it was too easy. Besides, she would rather steal from the public.

Lexi immediately climbed onto the roof using the stairs outside. She loved traveling by rooftop; plus, she could travel faster and wouldn't be cornered. Lexi just skipped along the top of the rooftops until she finally decided where she wanted to go. She grinned and made her way to her escape place, the bar. Of course there were multiple bars in the city, but this one was her favorite. Lexi knew the owner well and was even the bartender sometimes. She always went there whenever she just needed to escape everything and relax. Well, today was one of these days.

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