~Chapter 5~

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Kami's POV

I head to my room thinking how all this was my fault. I mean if I had put more voltage into the hit for Touga this wouldn't have happened. Damn me. I take a long shower and put on my pajamas and head to bed. I try to sleep but everything keeps playing back. Oh god I just realized Jirou is gonna miss school. I'll try to help her. I have to sleep if I want to know what is happening. I close my eyes and drift to sleep. I hear knocking at my door. I slump out of bed and open it.

Bro you over slept it's 10 minutes till school, hurry up man." Sero said. "Fuck." I say angrily. "I'll meet you at school." Sero heads out. Shit I over slept. I run to get my clothes on and my backpack. I get an apple from the kitchen. 2 minutes till school. I start running and make it 4 minutes late. Thankfully Mr. Aizawa hasn't gotten there yet. I rush to my desk and sit. "Took you long enough." Bakugo said teasing me. I just ignored him. Mr. Aizawa came and from then on I listened very carefully, taking notes.

•Time skip•

The bell finally rang for lunch. I head to the cafeteria. I get my food and sit with the bakusquad. "SOooOoO you and Jirou where cuddling. Want to tell us something?" Mina said smiling. I explain what happened and leave out some bits. "Ok I know you guys made out. I saw you through the window." She said laughing. "Stalker much." Kirishima said teasingly. "Well are you guys dating??" Sero asked.
"Well... I kind of need help with that." I said embarrassed. "Dude, you could've asked us that a longgg time ago." Kirishima said. "I just need help. Where should I ask?" I ask desperate for an answer. We talked and I got some ideas of what to do. "Thanks guys." I say to the squad. "Yea whatever dunce face." Bakugo said in a complementing way? I think so at least. I get my phone out and text Jirou.

}Me- hey how are you feeling?

}🖤Jirou🖤- I'm doing better. What are you doing?

}Me- just eating with the squad as usual.

}🖤Jirou🖤- of course😂😂

}Me- anyways I was wondering if you'd like hang out after your recovery.

}🖤Jirou🖤- Sure! I'd love that.

}Me- ok I'll tell you the details later. I gtg cya later

}🖤Jirou🖤- ok bai

The bell rung for us to get to our classes. We all start walking. The only way I'm actually doing good in school is because of Jirou. I have to do this for her. I sit in my seat waiting for class to begin. Finally school had ended and I was headed out the door to see Jirou. "Hey man you wanna hang out with the squad?" Sero asked. "Sorry dude but I'm gonna go hang out with Jirou and help her catch up on school work." The whole squad oooed. I roll my eyes at them. "Ok fine hang out with your girlfriend." Mina said raising an eyebrow. "She's not my girlfriend... yet." She squeals at that last part. I start walking to the nurse's office and I open the door to see my beautiful dark angel.

Jirou's POV

It has been really boring all god damn day. I had so much time I caught up on my book series, Harry Potter. As I was about to read Deathly Hallows 2 I saw blonde hair with a lighting bolt on the side. I knew it was Kami. I looked up and smiled. He walked over. I moved over so he could sit in the bed with me. He put his arm around me. I start to blush but keep it hidden. "So what did you do all day?" Kami asked looking at me. "I just read Harry Potter while listening to NF." I say looking back at his beautiful yellow eyes. "Wow you read. Boring." He said laughing. "It is not." I say smacking his shoulder.

"Heh. Anyways I brought you some notes. I can help you with the work." He said with cute smile. "You actually listened??" I say jokingly. "Yea yea. I only did it so you can catch up." He said rolling his eyes. I started to get flustered. He did that for me? Oh no he's gonna see me blush. I try to hide it to the best of my ability. "Th- thanks." Damn it i stuttered. What is he doing to me. He takes my hands away from my face. He puts his hand on my chin making me face him. I blush even more if that's possible. "Don't look away. I like it when I make you blush." He said looking deep into my eyes. "Whatever" is all I could say. I was lost in his eyes.

He tilted my chin upwards. His lips touched mine. I grabbed the back of his neck making the kiss deeper. We moved our lips perfectly on sync. He smiles into the kiss. Which only makes me smile. We pull away. "I'll never get used to this." I put head on his chest. "Ok we have to do the work now." I said in a sad tone. "Yea we should. I brought some snacks so we wouldn't starve like last time." He hands me a cookie bar, brownie, and more sweets. "Wow so healthy." I say sarcastically. We both laugh and start studying while listening to music.

After about an hour we finish. "Man that was actually easy." Kami said while he put his hand behind his back. "That's what happens when you actually listen." He rolls his eyes. "Did it for you so..." he says smirking. "Well thanks for that." I say kissing his cheek. Now he's blushing. "Haha it's your turn to blush." I say looking at his tomato face. "I can make you blush, my beautiful dark angel." He smirks as I madly blush. "Fuck you." He kisses me on my cheek. "Ok I should go it's getting late." He says kissing me. "Goodnight." He says at the door. "Night." I say waving him goodbye.

A/N 1034 words. I hope this was good. ✌️

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