✰ one

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"Jaylin, come the fuck on." I had been arguing with Aubrey for hours. If it had been left up to me, I was going to miss the first day of senior year. The first day of any year was always the same.. People coming to wear their ugly ass outfits and teachers setting down their stupid rules.

"Fine Bre, I'll go if it makes you happy." She flashed a smile and hugged me tight. Aubrey had befriended me freshman year when I was still a nerd and had no type of knowledge on how to flow.

"Call Miguel and tell him I'll be there to pick him up in five.. If he's not ready, I'm pulling off." She punched in the numbers on her phone and began talking. I changed into a new outfit and alerted her that I was leaving.

If she hadn't walked all the way from her house to mine, I wouldn't have went to school. I grabbed my backpack and threw it into the backseat of the car, not caring of what was in it.

Shortly after driving down a few backroads, I made it to Miguel's house and watched as he walked out. "You look cute love," I say smiling and sticking my finger in the rips in his jeans. He began to explain how he argued with his boyfriend for hours about wearing it, and wore it anyways. "Is this the school? They remolded it and it looks totally different..." Aubrey said, while rolling her window down in awe.

I parked in the student section and slammed my car door, grabbing my backpack out of the backseat. So many people were gathered in their friend groups, and there were a thousand freshmen looking lost and concerned.

"Wassup Torres." I heard the familiar voice call. I hated when I was called by my last name.

"What do you want Armon," I say adjusting the back of my shirt. He licked his lips and opened his hands.

"It's senior year. If I didn't give you my lunch money in middle school, what makes you think I'm giving it now.." I say, crossing my arms and tapping my foot.

"Alright. I'll take this." He reached into my neck, and popped the necklace i had on, which had my ex-boyfriends name on it. We had broken up, but I still liked wearing the necklace because it reminded me of the good times.

"Why would you do that... Give it back.." He started to chuckle and threw it into the small pond next to the parking lot.

I felt my face flush a bright red and I pushed past Armon as Aubrey and Miguel began cussing at him. "I knew I shouldn't have fucking came here." I felt the tears running down my eyes, and I wiped them quickly and put on a pair of shades I kept in my backpack.

I also threw my hoodie on, and began walking to my first class.

Once I reached the door, I peeked my head in to see who had already made it. My glare stopped once I laid eyes on Armon's stepbrother, Antonne.

He flashed me a smile and pointed for me to come sit. Although, Armon was a huge asshole, his brother was the complete opposite. He respected me for who I am and didn't exchange any other words about it.

"Sorry about what happened to your necklace this morning," he says twiddling his fingers. I nod and replay the scene in my head. I really hadn't been feeling today, but I wasn't about to let that situation get to me.

"It's good. It was about time I was getting rid of that necklace anyways," I mumble, giving him a reassuring smile.

The teacher gave a spiel on what was expected from us, and wrapped it up by assigning us a project that we would be responsible for getting done outside of class.

Antonne and I decided it would be best for him to come to my place and work on it, since his was always occupied.

I grabbed my things up and walked to my next class. There was nothing interesting going on in any. Every class transition was like the last. After six more boring rules, I finally was able to go home.

I wasn't able to take my usual after-school nap since Antonne would be coming over and I would also have to drop off Aubrey and Miguel back home.

Aubrey and Miguel had beat me to the car and I smiled and danced to the car as they hyped me up.

"How was the first day for you guys." I asked and got a few mixed responses.

"That shit was a breeze. I signed up for the cheerleading team and they practically assured me a spot on the team." Aubrey said while reapplying her makeup in the mirror.

"I have classes full of homophobes and only one with my man." Miguel spoke with attitude. I chuckled and focused back on the road. "How was your day bitch?" I glanced over and say Aubrey looking at me, waiting for a response.

"It was alright. Antonne's coming over later to work on a project. I had to exchange numbers for him so I could tell him where I stay." Before I could finish my sentence, they both went into wild squeals and started laughing.

"It's not at all what you guys think." I playfully rolled my eyes and pulled up to Miguel's house. "Okay get out whore." I say unlocking the backseat. Aubrey exits with him and waved goodbye.

Before I could pull off, my phone dings and I look down at it.

Antonne 🦋
Gonna be there in 5. Can't wait.

I put my phone down and race home. Once I pulled into the driveway, I went inside and straightened everything up. My mom wouldn't have been home until the next morning due to her graveyard shift at work, and my dad didn't live with us anymore.

I heard an engine roar and I peeked out of the windows.

I slip on a pair of slides and get ready to joke with Antonne before I open the door. He knocks at the door vigoriously and I walk over.

"You might wanna get 50 feet back before I open this door because this ass might blow you away." I break into a bunch of laughter, which soon stops once I open the door.

"Hey bighead," Armon says before pushing past me with Antonne following behind.

I give Antonne an angry mug and he shrugs. "He wanted to come. I hope you aren't mad." I let out a deep sigh and slam the door behind me.

"Nice house you got, ugly." Armon commented before touching all of the glass china sets my mom had.

Here the fuck we go...

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