✰ two

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"Armon, put that shit down." I said, grabbing the glass frame out of his hands. He shook his head and continued throwing it up in the air.

"Yo, Antonne collect your pet." Antonne quickly signaled for him to put it down and he listened. "Okay so, about our project.... I don't think we should start till tomorrow because the bitch didn't give us any distinct rules."

After she told us about the project, she just gave us a prompt and didn't give any further instructions.

Antonne nodded and smiled. "I like this house decor. You're such a modern ass person." We laughed and he began walking out the door.

I looked over and saw Armon trying to pick up glass off of my floor. "ARMON... Why would you do that.." He frowned and shrugged, pushing it into the garbage can.

Antonne walked out of the door and I heard his car door slam. "Everything you touch, you break. Why can't you just leave shit alone." He frowned and nodded, walking past me.

"Before I go..." He walked up to me and pulled something out of his pocket. Confusion took over my face as he opened up the small box.

"Here. It says J for Jaylin." I looked at his chest and saw that it looked exactly like this. He unlatched it and wrapped it around my neck, clamping it on.

"I- Thank you." He nods and then hugs me. What the fuck has gotten into him. "You cool people, even if you think I don't think you are. You're mad cool." He waves goodbye to me and walks out the door.

Before he walks out he turns back around and asks me the craziest question.

"You wanna hangout sometimes?" He flashes me a white smile, and waits for my response.

"I mean sure... That could be fun." I chuckle and twiddle with my fingers. "Imagine saying no to all of this.." He says posing and smiling.

"So what made you change?" He began to think and tapped his face. "Well when I broke your necklace, I felt kinda bad and I figured I could at least stop being overly mean to you." It took me a minute to understand what he said.

He randomly started being nice to me? This gotta be a setup. "Well, I'll see you around then ?" I say smiling as he nods. I wave goodbye and he hops into the car with Antonne and leaves.

Without thinking, I run to my phone to call Miguel. After a few rings, he finally picked up. "Bitch what do you want, I'm tryna give my nigga that sloppy." I ignored the last sentence and took a deep breath in before talking. "Okay so, Antonne and I have to work on a project and why Armon came over, apologized to me and gave me a new necklace." He gasped and told his boyfriend he'd be right back.

"Bitch you're lying.. well was the necklace at least cute?" I think for a while and reply. "It's fucking beautiful. It looks exactly like his. I swear to god, I almost fell in love." He snarls from the other line.

"Well... you know how he is. He played every single cheerleader and ran through the softball team. Ion think you wanna get invested in that..." He had several points. Maybe I shouldn't get invested in this.

Right before I finished, I got a text message. "Lemme call you later." We exchange our goodbyes and hung up.

I read the message and slightly smiled.

Antonne 🦋
This Armon. Text me Torres. 986-012-7268

The smile on my face grew as I locked the number in, proceeding to respond back. He always made me feel some type of way, but I always concealed it because he was such a rude person.

Don't let him get in your head. Relax.

I collected myself together and pressed the lock button on my phone, sliding it into my back pocket. I heard rattling at the door and already knew who it was.

My mom came walking through the door and dropped her bags onto the couch. "Hey love. I wanted to talk to you, before I go on my trip. Now you know the firm, always has us moving and they want us to keep up with them." I nod as she kisses me on my forehead and holds my hand.

"I just came back for a few bags and to let you know I love you." I smile and hug her tight. She had always done the best she could to provide for me. Being a flight attendant, she was always gone somewhere but it didn't affect our relationship.

I waved goodbye and she walked out and backed out of the driveway. "Don't wreck my house." She says, earning a chuckle out of me before driving off. I couldn't promise her that because Miguel and Aubrey would probably want to hang everyday.

I walked back into the house and up the steps. Once I reached my room, I walked in and closed the door behind me. My room was clean and organized, which pleased me and reassured me that I didn't have to clean it.

I laid down in my bed and plugged my phone on the charger. My eyes began to feel heavy and I felt myself dozing off until my phone began to ring.

I looked at it and saw Antonne's name. Sighing, I answered and put the phone to my ear. "Hello." I didn't get a response but before I could say it again, Armon's voice spoke.

"I thought I told you to text me." I slapped my hand across my forehead and sat up. "I'm sorry, I forgot. I've had a long day and I'm tired." There was an uncomfortable silence on the phone and I began to question whether or not he was still on the phone.

"You want me to come over? I can keep you company.." I paused for a while and responded. "If you want. I mean I'm not a baby, I can take care of myself but if it makes you feel better then sure." I hear him cough and whisper something to someone else.

"Alright, I'm on my way." I hang up and throw my phone onto the bed. I might as well get up now.

I get out of the bed and walk back downstairs, opening the door.

"Wait... Who is that outside?" My heart begins racing as they get closer, wielding something around in their hands.

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