All That Matters (an imagine for @katnissbellaannabeth)

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Scowling, I tried to find a compartment to sit in. Everywhere was literally full. Wizards should stop having so many babies, because its getting really fucking annoying.

As my thoughts worsened, I snuck glances over at my best friend, James. Being the son of the Chosen One, he could probably ask for someone's head to sit on and they'd oblige. But no, he had to be all polite and stuff. He was too good to be over other people.

My heart melted a little at that. I didn't want to feel this way around him, but I did. It was hopeless, but who can control feelings?

His voice startled me out of my thoughts.

"Mack! I found one!"

His voice was deep for a fifteen year old, but it was adorable. Looking inside the compartment, my mood only got worse as there was only a little bit of seat left.

"You go ahead," I mumbled. "There's only room for one."

I was hoping this wouldn't happen. I had nearly no friends, so finding another place to sit would be hard. I had a feeling it would be in the bathroom.

James' face quickly turned desperate. He looked back into the room, trying to figure out something.

"There's room for two. You're pretty small, Mack."

I rolled my eyes, waiting for there to be no room for me to sit. To my surprise, James sat down, then immediately pulled me with him. My leg ended up on top of his, and I blushed.

"See? No big deal," he said with a smirk. He loved being right. It was annoying.

Sighing, I remained rigid, surrounded by people laughing and smiling, while I grimaced at my thoughts. What if I farted on him? What if he could hear my heart beating faster? What if I smell?

James looked at me quizzically. "Are you okay?"

Gathering my courage, I buried my head in his shoulder as an answer. I expected him to push me off, but all he did was lean his head against mine and put one of his earbuds in my ear.

I was glad he couldn't see my face, because it had to be tomato red by now.

I felt something grab my hand, something soft. Was it a rapist?

I looked up a tiny bit to see James smiling at me. Was it his hand?

Looking down, I screamed internally as I noticed his large hand covering mine.

The noise in the compartment diminished, and I felt more and more eyes turning my way. But I didn't care, for once. James was holding my hand, and the world seemed nice instead of terrifying.

Soon, I heard his breath catch in his throat. I could feel thousands of eyes on me, and more specifically the part of me that James held.

There was a shriek. There were complaints. There were moans.

"Are you seriously into HER?", someone yelled. It sounded like a girl.

"Gross. You could pick anyone, and you picked that ugly thing?"

"Are you trying to tell us that you're gay? Look at her. She has no chest."

"Nerds are disgusting. Get some taste, man."

The insults kept coming, and my eyes started to fill up. Why did they care so much about how I looked? Why wouldn't they let me be happy for a while?

James' hand tightened over mine in anger. I had seen him mad at people over me before, but this rage felt different.

Suddenly, he picked up my head with two fingers under my chin. My heart skipped a beat. He looked straight into my eyes.

"I think you're beautiful, and that's all that should matter," he declared.

There were a few gasps of shock, and the sound of others punching the ones who gasped in the shoulder to shut up.

I didn't hear the gasps or the punches or the sighs or anything. I heard the quick flick of his fingers as he sent my lips spiraling into his. I heard my heart getting faster. I heard his breathing become rapid. I heard the sound of his tongue running across my teeth, and I heard my moan. I smelled strawberry gum, but not the smell of the compartment.

For once in my small, short life, I was able to block out the haters.

So when the kiss ended, it gave me courage. I felt strong.

Everyone had a phone out, and was videotaping my moment. Anger bubbles inside me. I stood up.

"Hey, whoever's watching: fuck you. You suck. Thank you for making my life hell," I said. My speech didn't feel finished, but I couldn't think of anything else to say. So I put up my middle finger and sat back down.

James pulled me back down next to him, and I leaned into his side.

"That's my girl," he whispered in my ear over the clicks of keyboards and people tweeting things. "That's my brave Mack."

I smiled into his shoulder as he kissed my forehead. Maybe the world wasn't so bad after all.







Ni Hao


so I woke up this morning and felt the urge to write. Maybe eating a hella lot of food gives you writing urges? I don't know. So here's an imagine that was requested six or seven months ago.....



Does anyone want to make me a cover for this? I suck at making covers, so if you want to, comment!


literally the only thing I thought about for the first twenty four hours after the concert- Andy is fucking hot in person

just saying

Anyway, I hope none of you are killed in Black Friday and that you had an amazing thanksgiving!

Byeeee <3

-Josie joesee hoesway hosie yosie or whatever else you want to call me since no one knows how to freaking say my name

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