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Cherry and Mattia arrived at the store, parking the car right outside. The two ran inside and finally lifted the phone to record their antics and the dare itself. Cherry looked around like normal, picking up dresses she really liked and that were extremely expensive.
She gave Mattia time to pick out some of his preferred suits before dragging him over to the elevator. She pressed 4 and turned around to Mattia, laughing at how full her hands were compared to his. She shook her head slowly and turned around as the door opened. She stepped out and walked down a long hallway, opening the door to one of the free rooms. She pulled Mattia in.

It was a huge room with 4 Large mirrors and 4 Changing Rooms. Cherry locked the door behind them and walked into one of the changing rooms, Hanging her dresses up. She tried on every one of them but only one of them stuck with her and made her feel good.

The dress was decorated with diamonds and was very light but surprisingly not as sheer as she first thought

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The dress was decorated with diamonds and was very light but surprisingly not as sheer as she first thought. She obviously brought heels along with the dress because she knew her air force wouldn't be the nicest thing ever alongside the outfit.
Her heels matched the style of the outfit and almost looked as though they were made together. She stepped out slowly and laughed as Mattia still hadn't finished getting changed yet.
She stepped infront of one of the mirrors and smiled, turning around and staring at her figure in the dress. She smiled wider and wider the more she realized that this dress was actually hers. She took her hair down and ran her fingers through it as if to brush it.
Her curly hair sat behind her shoulders and half way down her back.
Finally Mattia had finished getting changed, she turned around and looked the male up and down. He was wearing a typical black suit only he didn't put the jacket on. He hung it over his shoulder.
Cherry looked him up and down and bit her lip as hard as she could, catching herself staring at him.
He stepped towards her slowly " Well hello mamas, someone's looking good " He said, standing right above Cherry and hovering above her. She looked down and smiled " That's coming from you? You look minted" She laughed.
She looked up at stared at the other male for a moment before turning back around to face the mirror, the male standing behind her. " damn" he said and stepped back, paying more attention to Cherry than himself.
Cherry quickly snapped a photo of the two and pulled a silly face. She took a number of photos and finally put her phone away in her handbag. She put her air-force in there but didn't bother bringing her other clothes.
" Are you ready?" She said and smiled at the other male who nodded slowly. " As ready as i'll ever be " he replied.
Finally, the two exited the room and pressed the button for the elevator, the nerves setting in worse than before.
They made it down to the first floor, it was time. They ran as fast as they could.
and ran.

𝒩𝑒𝓇𝓋𝑒; ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇʀ ᴏʀ ᴘʟᴀʏᴇʀ?! mattia x readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora