claude (pre time skip) | our victory

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mini? spoiler warning: Really small spoiler for the immediate aftermath to the Battle of the Eagle and Lion but nothing major tbh just lots of cute fluff cuz Claude lul 》

your pov

          Exhaling a soft sigh, I left the dining hall behind in favor of escaping to the courtyard out front of the classrooms. It was a great idea having everyone eat together after such a momentous battle, but in all honesty, it's quite hard trying to talk with all of the students and not ignoring any one person. There's far more of them than there is of me to go around.

          The moon was high up in the night sky tonight, stars twinkling about as the clouds rolled by slowly. I smiled as I looked up at the dark sky. It's a relief to get some fresh air.

          "Hey Teach, I was wondering where you ran off to." An all too familiar voice said from behind me.

          Glancing over my shoulder, I offered the brunette a small smile. "Shouldn't you be enjoying the feast with all of the other students?" I asked. "This was your idea after all."

          Claude shrugged his shoulders as he walked to stand beside me. "You know me Teach, it just doesn't feel right not having you around to celebrate with so I had to come and check up on you."

          "Really now?" I asked, my smile widening just ever so slightly. "Or is this you trying to follow me around again so you can figure out all of my deep dark secrets?" I then teased.

          "You wound me with your words, Professor." Claude said in mock offense as he dramatically placed a hand over his chest. "But seriously, why the sudden disappearance? Everything got to be a little too lively back in there for your tastes?"

          I nodded. "I'm happy to see the three houses getting along so well, but it's hard trying to talk with everyone seemingly at once when I have so many of you calling out for my attention."

          Claude patted my back before he plopped down on the lush green grass beneath our feet and looked up at me expectantly. "Then come on and sit with me for a bit Teach. It's been ages since the Golden Deer have won the Battle of the Eagle and Lion so let's just the two of us celebrate for a bit." He said with a dashing smile, lazily patting the ground beside him as he does so. "A celebratory party of two is much easier to handle."

          Not having it within myself to decline his offer, I sat down beside the brunette and smiled. "You performed well out on the battlefield today Claude. There's no way the Golden Deer could have lost yet again with you fighting out there."

          "Oh don't go trying to butter me up now, Teach. You know just as well as I do that if we had to fight those two royal highnesses again, there's no telling who would win." Claude scoffed, though he was still smiling as he looked to me with a warmth to his light green eyes. "But go on. I just love hearing your praise."

          Shaking my head, I stifled a laugh with the back of my hand. "You're too much sometimes, Claude."

          The brunette sitting beside me didn't respond as he looked to me with that same dazed smile. He was so lost in thought that he didn't even realize I was looking back at him until about a full minute had passed us by. "Hey Teach, you have a really beautiful smile, you know that?" He suddenly asked, easily catching me off guard. "It's a great look on you."

          I could feel my cheeks beginning to heat up some though thankfully the cover of night hid the pink tint almost completely. "You shouldn't say things like that Claude. Someone might get the wrong idea." I murmured, diverting my gaze to look back at the stars above.

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