ashe (post time skip) | breathtaking

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"Ah Professor! Could you come with me for a little while?" Ashe asked with a gentle smile. "Now that everything has calmed down again, I want to show you something."

          Sparing the cathedral in the distance a fleeting glance, I nodded. Mercedes can handle choir practice on her own I'm sure. "I'd love to. Where did you have in mind?" I asked the light grey haired young man.

          Ashe's smile widened. "Oh, that's a surprise!" He said with a small laugh as he grabbed my wrist and began leading me further away from the cathedral and towards the exit to Garreg Mach. "I thought for sure you'd be busy to come with me. Don't worry though. I'd never take you somewhere you wouldn't like."

          "You're quite sure of yourself." I mused.

          "I like to think I've gotten better at understanding you, Professor. Now c'mon! The sun is going to set soon so we have to hurry." Ashe said, guards saluting as he whisks me off to who knows where.

          The townsfolk bustling about broke out into whispers as they looked to me with widened eyes. It's rare that I leave the monastery's walls nowadays, but I try to not let their stares get to me as I offer them all smiles. Ashe doesn't seem to mind the attention in the least bit. He continues on through the town without a single care in the world. And to think even after all this time, nothing has changed.

          Back during our school days in the Officers Academy, Ashe would often take me to new places he had found around the monastery that had beautiful views. He made sure to make it a point to never take me to the same place twice, Ignatz telling him all of his favorite spots to paint back then just so he'd always have new places to take me. It seems like even with our two roles within the Church changing so much since then, he's still the same young man I remember him to be; bright eyed and so full of life, wanting to make the most out of every moment and every encounter.

          Wanting to leave this world better than he had originally found it.

          "You're quiet, Professor." Ashe suddenly spoke up, this area of town having much less people walking about as he leads me down another side street. "Something on your mind?"

          "Nothing in particular." I murmured.

          Chuckling, Ashe's smile softened as he glanced back at me, his hand still having a gentle hold of my wrist. "You can talk freely with me, you know this. Then again, you've always been the quiet type. It's become a kind of game for me to try and guess just what it is you're thinking." He admitted.

          With a smile of my own tugging at the corners of my lips, Ashe brought me to the edge of the town and we started down a cobbled path that leads up a steep hill. "Really? Want to try and guess what it is that I'm thinking then?"

          I could vaguely see a light blush tinting the grey haired boy's cheeks as we continued up the hill. "You're thinking about, me?" He responded with more of a question than a genuine answer.

          "Correct. And for winning this game, you deserve a prize." I said and quickly leaned forward to place a feather light kiss to his cheek before he could react.

          His blush only seemed to darken as his grip on my wrist tightened ever so slightly. "P-Professor!" Ashe said before laughing, trying to mask his embarrassment. "You have to stop doing things like that, you're making me blush."

          I couldn't help but laugh a little. "You're handsome when you get all flustered."


          "It's the truth."

          Ashe shook his head fondly as silence once again fell around us. The top of the hill was close, no more than twenty feet away now. I curiously walked ahead of the grey haired boy, his hold on my wrist falling completely as we stepped out from under the trees and into a clearing atop the hill.

          The view from here is breathtaking. In the direction from which we came, the town is illuminated by an orange light and further in the distance Garreg Mach can be seen standing proudly and watching over all the towns people. Purple and pink clouds rolled past up above as the sun began to set below the horizon. For all the time I've spent in the monastery, I can honestly say that I've never seen it look as heavenly as it does right now.

          "Beautiful, isn't it?" Ashe spoke up as he stood beside me, a warm gentle wind blowing past. "When I first discovered this place six years ago, I knew immediately that I wanted to bring you here when the time was right."

          "Thank you for showing me this." I responded softly.

          Smiling, the grey haired young man standing beside me slowly reached over and grabbed my hand with his own, interlacing our fingers as he does so. "I promised myself that if I survived to see Garreg Mach return to it's former glory, I'd ask you something when I finally brought you here."

          I stole a glance to the green eyed boy. I could feel my heart stutter for a moment before I had to look back to the sunset. "And what would that be..?" I asked softly.

          "If I could have the special honor of calling you mine?"

          It felt as though my stomach filled with nervous butterflies as I met his warm gaze. "Really, you'd want me as your significant other?" I asked, genuinely shocked but still pleasantly surprised to have even a fraction of my feelings for this lovely young man returned.

          Ashe laughed a bit at that. "I should be the one asking that! You're such a wonderful person, Professor. No one else comes even close to being so kind and thoughtful and sweet and caring." He said honestly, the sun only lowering further below the horizon as stars begin to peak out through the clouds. "I'm just some guy with an absurd dream. You could have anyone within all of Fódlan, and I desperately want you to choose me."

          "There's no one else I'd rather have." I said before turning to face the grey haired boy, grabbing his free hand with my own so that we had all of our fingers interlaced. "With the setting sun and rising moon as my witness, I happily accept to becoming your one and only companion from this evening forward."

          Almost instantly Ashe threw his arms around my waist and forced me into a strong embrace. "You have officially just made me the happiest man on the entire planet!" He said, burying his face into the crook of my neck now, most probably to hide his embarrassment. "I'll do everything I can to forever show you just how loved you are! Thank you for choosing me."

          Bringing one hand to rest on his back as my other lightly brushes through his hair, I couldn't help but smile as a radiant warmth spread throughout my entire body. I feel as light as a feather. And to think we'd ever be lucky enough to see a day like this come around.

          I could get used to this...


So I'm playing for the Golden Deer and I just went through Aillel and I didn't have time to recruit this precious boy and just ;-; I'm going to pretend like this is how his life played out instead of what I did to him oml rip Ashe in my GD run xD

Thanks for reading this oneshot everyone~

~ kat <3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2020 ⏰

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