lorenz + sylvain (post time skip) | tea for three

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          Walking through the reception hall with a few books held closely to my chest, I offered smiles to the monks I walked past. Today's been surprisingly slow considering Fódlan is now a continent consumed by war.

The Knights of Serios have been dispatched to gather information needed before the Alliance can make it's next move meaning we're all on standby essentially and Hilda is more than happy for that to be the case. I don't particularly mind the break either. Claude's growing increasingly restless, though I'd argue he needed the break more than anyone around here. Then again, with slow days like this becoming a more regular occurrence, that can only mean one thing.

"Ah Professor, what a lovely surprise finding you here." Lorenz said with his usual smile dancing across his lips, a hand placed over the armor of his deep purple chest plate as he greets me.

Sylvain stood beside him as they more or less blocked my escape route heading up to the monastery's library. Lysithea and Annette have wanted these books for a while now so I went out of my way to ask Ignatz to help me find them in the towns marketplace earlier. Looks like those two are going to have to wait a little longer before they can get their hands on these considering it doesn't appear that these two knights are going to be letting me go anytime soon.

"Sup Professor." Sylvain said with a wink. "Care to join us for tea?"

I glanced between the two young men with knitted brows. "I thought you two couldn't stand one another?" I asked considering the last time I saw them together, they were both attempting to pick up girls and utterly failing and then proceeding to argue with each other over who was the victor in whatever bet they had going on back then during our time in the Officers Academy. That may have been years ago but I've yet to see them act even remotely civil towards one another since which says something.

The red head from House Gautier laughed at that. "Lorenz and I are good friends now, right Lorenz?" Sylvain said, flicking his hazel eyes to the purple haired boy standing beside him.

"Oh yes, of course we are. We've become quite acquainted with one another since our return to Garreg Mach." Lorenz followed along easily with an added flip of his hair. "Now come Professor. You simply must try this splendid tea Ferdinand has recently introduced me to."

Not given much of a choice, the two young men began leading me back the way I had came and towards the gazebo placed in the center of the nearby garden. Hilda and Dorothea waved to me from a little ways away once we had walked outside. The two girls looked far too amused at my current predicament, both Hilda and Dorothea leaning over to talk to one another and giggle while I'm whisked off to an impromptu tea party of sorts.

With much hesitance, I took the tea cup offered to me by Lorenz and skeptically looked at the liquid inside. The tea doesn't smell like it was poisoned or anything...

"Geez Professor, you don't have to be on your guard so much. It's just us." Sylvain said before taking a sip of his own tea, Lorenz doing the same from where the two of them sit across from me. "Relax a little."

"I must agree with Sylvain in asking for you to please be more at ease when we're all enjoying such exquisite tea together." The purple haired noble then said as he elegantly crossed one long leg over the other. "That look of skepticism just doesn't suit your divine features, Professor."

Taking a sip of my tea, I looked between the two paladins with slightly narrowed eyes. "You two want something from me." I said lamely.

Chuckling, Sylvain flashed me a charming smile. "Can't we ask our dear Professor out for some tea without you always thinking we're up to something?"

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