bit of an info intro

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Hello everyone.~ First of all I just want to thank you for clicking on this here oneshot book! I've never written for Fire Emblem anything so this is a real learning experience x3

Alright, so onto the info stuff.

As of right now, I am not taking requests! This is because I've only fully played through the Blue Lion house route and am about half way through with the Golden Deer so I'd feel bad getting a request for let's say Hubert or Dorothea and I'm just unable to write anything good for them since I don't know much about their characters yet ;-; I hope you all understand and will still like the oneshots I post! Once I beat the game for all three routes, I will start taking requests though which I'll be sure to make an announcement for, promise ^^ so for right now I'll just be posting whatever it is I happen to write :3

Also, because I know not all of you have played through all three houses or have even finished your first play through of the game, each oneshot will say if it's either spoiler free or if it contains spoilers and exactly what about so hopefully there won't be any surprise spoilers ruining your day coming from me xD each oneshot also says if it's pre or post time skip which I thought would be nice since maybe some people just want cute school days while others may want the aftermath. I'm trying to play devils advocate here so cut me some slack xD

That's all I wanted to say before you all head onto reading the oneshots ^^ Hope you lovely peeps like them and feel free to leave comments if ya want to! <333

our professor | fire emblem three houses oneshots [ no requests sry ]Where stories live. Discover now