March and April

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It was the start of March, which meant track season was just around the corner. I was actually pretty excited. I was going to be doing long distance stuff. I did cross country, so I figured I could do this. I didn't really want to do track, but it might be a good opportunity to branch out and meet new people.

I walked into the auditorium after school and went to sit down. This was the track meeting that we were going to have. "Hey, can I sit here?" asked a voice. I set my book down and look up. Standing there was Chloe.

"Sure, it's open," I said. She sat down next to me and we started talking. She started apologizing for pushing me away and focusing on Taylor. She truly did seem really sorry. I missed her and she also made it clear that she missed me.

I accepted her apology and she said she was going to change. She said her and Taylor were still together, but she was going to hang out with me too.

"Okay, let's get this thing started. There are many of you going out for track this year, so we'll have a very full bus and large groups of people practicing. You have to be good and pay attention to what I'm saying. Let's have a good year. Practice starts next Monday, and it will be hard," said the coach. He seemed kind of mean. Most coaches were mean though.

Monday rolled around and I walk out to the track after school. I see Chloe, and I run over to her. "What are you doing?" I asked her.

"Sprints and probably pole vault. I'm super excited! How about you, what are you doing?"

"Long distance, since I did cross country. I'm super excited too!"

The long distance coach yelled at all the runners to circle up. I waved at Chloe and went over to the runners. Coach said we're doing at least two miles today, which was going to suck. I was pretty out of shape, considering I still couldn't do much with my pinkie and I hadn't thought of getting prepared for track. But it's okay.

I get about half way through the run, and I start to wheeze. Like it was really bad. I keep running and have to stop every now and then. Coach turns his bike around and comes up next to me. "Come on, Bexley! You're going to have to go faster than that. Keep it up though!"

I hated when people yelled at me while I was running. I just kept going though and I finally made it back to the school. I was like panting and on the verge of feeling like I needed to pass out. This had never happened to me before. I was really worried.

I get home and told mom all about it. She told me that I probably had asthma just like my dad and she told me she'd get me in to see a doctor.

It was the next day and she took me to see the doctor. He did some tests and turns out I actually do have asthma.

I now have to use an inhaler. I take it about fifteen minutes before exercise and I have it now for the rest of my life. The doctors say I can get rid of it, but it's very rare for that to happen. So, now I had to watch and make sure I know when to take my inhaler. They also said I'll still wheeze a little while running, which I thought was dumb because that defeats the whole purpose of an inhaler.

Track went on, and my running got a little better because of my improved breathing. I still got last in every race, but I didn't care. At least I was doing a sport unlike some kids. Some of the people on the team seemed to hate me though just because I was slow, but it was junior high. It really didn't matter. I tried, but I just wasn't very good. I liked running on my own time anyways, not competitively.

April came and was just the same as March. Track practice right after school, homework, dinner, and then straight to bed because I was tired. I didn't really have time to just let go and relax, but I knew that once summer came I could do that.

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