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Oh, December. The season of joy and Christmas or Hanukkah. Whatever you believe in is cool. I didn't really care for Christmas though to be honest. It just wasn't my cup of tea. We did put up a tree this year though, and put lights up outside. 

We were all going to go see nana and papa this year for Christmas because we didn't know if it was going to be nana's last. She was pushing through, but we didn't know how much longer she was going to last. 

One day at school, a junior came up to me. I was new here, and I didn't know many of the older high school kids. "Hey, Bexley, right?" He had brown hair, almost golden though. He also had greenish gray eyes, and they had a hint of blue in them. He was kind of cute, not going to lie. 

"Yup, that's me. And you are?" I asked him. 

He laughed and shook my hand. He seemed to have good manners. "I'm Mason, a junior here. I was on the football team with you and I do basketball with Chase. He's pretty cool. I heard you and Logan have broken up recently, so I don't need an answer now. But, would you want to go grab dinner sometime?" 

I smiled. I was over Logan. Sometimes it hurt to see him, but it didn't bother me. "Sure, I'd love that."

"Oh, no way!" exclaimed Mason. He gave me his number and snapchat, and then went off to class. He seemed cool and sweet, so I figured I'd give him a chance. I didn't really like basketball, but it's fine. If that's what he liked, then it didn't matter. 

We made plans for the following Friday night, and we went to get burgers and go watch a movie. He had the nicest smile, and he was super buff. Like he looked serious about working out. We talked about life and what was going on. We also talked about our favorite things like food, colors, music, and movies. He seemed like he could talk forever and I'd never get tired of him and he'd never get tired of talking.

Half way through dinner, dad called me. "I need you to come home right now. I know you're out with someone but it's urgent and I need to tell you in person." 

I told Mason and he took me home. I get out and run inside. He waited out front for me to make sure everything was okay. Chase was standing there and looked awfully sick and sad. 

"Honey, she's gone. I'm so sorry. I know this probably hurts, but it's going to be okay," said dad. I ran outside. Blake followed me and I went to the shed. I sat down and I heard someone run over to me. 

"Are you okay?" asked Mason. 

I looked at him with thoughts running through my head. "No, my nana is dead. She's gone and I talked to her just the other night. The last thing I told her was I love you and see you soon. She's dead." I started screaming near the last few things I said. I stood up and started pacing around. 

Mason grabbed my arms and looked me in the eyes. "It's okay, I'm here for you. I know I don't know you very well but you need a hug."

I gave him one and started to cry. I felt safe. I didn't even really know this boy and he's already watching my cry. My legs started giving out and we sat down on the grass in the cold air. It's a good thing it hadn't snowed yet. But Mason held me there as I sobbed. I hadn't cried in months, so this was a first. I just couldn't believe all that has happened. 

After awhile, Mason picked me up off the ground, stood me up, and took me to the door. He took me into the house and I went to the bathroom to shower and cry some more. Mason went to talk to my dad about what happened outside. Even Logan hadn't seen me at that point. But this boy that I've gone on one date with has. 

I got out and went to the kitchen. Mason was still there. Dad looked at me, nodded, and walked off. Mason sat there for a little bit and then finally started to talk. "Hey, I know we've only been on one date, but don't worry. I won't tell anyone about this, and I like you a lot. I want you to know that this won't change anything."

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