part 2 - Uh Oh

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"well 'ello again~" a thick Scottish accent popped up behind you, a flirty drawl attacked to the voice. You sighed and smiled, turning to see harry grinning down at you.

"hello harry" you chirped, sliding slightly to the left to give him room to sit. He plopped down next to you, setting his backpack on the table in front of you.

"so!" harry started, turning to face you and leaning his face on his hand, giving you a flirty smile "yeh datin' anyone?" you laughed, shaking your head.

"nah, most only really asked me so they could get "best friend of king ben" benefits, sooo" you droned off, waving your hands around dismissing Harry's questions.

Harry chuckled, well those were his exact intentions, but you didn't need to know that "well, I'll let ye know, im no't like other guys, I won't use ye" he flirted, reaching out to grasp your hand, but you pulled it away before he could, smacking his shoulder while laughing.

"Nice try! But you~" you booped his nose, making him cross his eyes to look at your finger and scrunch his nose "are going to have to change your tactic if you wanna score a date with me" you teased, picking up your history books and placing them in your backpack.

Harry groaned, faceplanting on the table, you laughed, patting his shoulder "tell you what" harry perked up, looking at you with the look of a puppy getting a treat "tonight, im heading into the enchanted forest to do a thing, if you wanna meet me there?"

You grabbed one of his notebooks that were sticking out of his backpack, scribbling your phone number on it, smiling as you stood up straight.

"now, at 8:30 text me and ill direct you to where I am, see you later!" harry waved you off, a devilish smirk pulling at his lips.

Phase 1 is a go.


"that great Harry" uma cackled, waving the piece of paper in the air, "she's already started to fall into our trap, so tonight when you go there, when she's distracted, ask her questions about the wand got it?"

Harry nodded, shrugging on a jacket, as (y/n) had texted him back that the enchanted forest got cold at night and wearing a jacket would be a good idea "got it, and what if she don' answer?"

Uma shrugged "that's a problem for us to deal with later, right now, getting as much info from (y/n) is priority"

Harry nodded, fishing out his phone when it dinged.

*u ready? If u are im at the forest entrance*

Harry sighed, typing a quick message back and nodding to uma.

"be some point, ill get the info I need from 'er" uma nodded, patting his shoulder as he exited the room.


A whistle pierced his ears from his left, looking over, he saw (y/n) in her outfit from the day, with a thick off shoulder sweater on her from.

"took you long enough!" you laughed, taking a step back as harry jogged over to you, stopping just in front of you, leaning in close.

"ye sure ye don't like meh lass, I wouldn't think ye would worry 'bout me' so much that ye call out fer me~" he purred, chocking slightly when you flicked his ear.

"nah" you gave a devilish smile "just didn't want you ta' get scared whe'n ye entered the fores't "

Harry furrowed his brows, leaning back and putting his hand on his chest "are ye mockin' meh?"

You copied his actions repeating his sentence with the accent

Harry scoffed, pushing your shoulder "well I don' even know why I came out 'ere fer ye! And after my effort to sneak out from the dorms"

You rolled your eyes "Well if you want to leave, leave!" you turned, grabbing your backpack with all your stuff in it, and continues into the forest.

You counted to five and heard heavy footsteps follow you into the forest "well, I couldn't jus' leave a bonny lass like ye in the forest alone" harry tossed his arm over your shoulder, speaking in a 'brave' tone "I have ta protect ye!"

Oyu hummed, shrugging off his arm dn continuing on the path watching the sky for light pollution.

"So where are we going anyway?" harry finally asked, squinting as the path became darker.

"a place were the stars can be seen more easily" you chirped, turning and grabbing Harry's hand, after hearing him curse while tripping over a branch.

"why?" harry cursed, a branch colliding with his forehead, his grip on (y/n)'s hand tightening in response.

"because I love the stars, and they are breathtaking when you can see them all clearly"

Harry hummed, moving behind (y/n) directly as she seemed to know where to step to not get hit by low branches.

You reached the point, nudging harry with your elbow and pointing up to the sky.

Harry gasped, a break in the surrounding trees, was a blanket of stars, the sea of the galaxy above him.

"This is-" Harry whispered, abruptly looking down when you started to move again, heading off the path and up a hill.

"come on, there's an even better spot up here, you can see everything!"

Harry jogged after you, once more plunged into darkness as the trees grouped back together.

You pulled away some loose bushes covering an opening in the trees, revealing a cliff, with a wide view of the sky above.

You walked towards the edge, taking off your backpack and pulling out a blanket, spreading it out on to the grass and sitting down.

Harry followed your lead, plopping down next to you, still staring up at the sky.

"neat huh" you chuckled, taking out your telescope, it was a simple handheld one, as you didn't take your car to this point.

"here" you whispered, handing it to Harry and pointing to a distant star "see that one?" harry looked through the glass, pointing the scope towards where your finger was pointing.

"that's the constellation of Maui, legend says the hero of the ocean Moana traveled across the sea to the land beneath its hook"

Harry let out a low whistle, soon getting lost in your stories as you directed his hand on the scope and pointed out constellations.

You looked at your watch wincing as it showed 2:30 am.

"I think its time we head back" you stood, wiping down your pants and helping harry up. "it's late" harry nodded, collapsing the scope and handing it to you, helping you fold the blanket and put it away.

You lead harry back through the forest, sighing in relief as you breached the edge. You released his hand, grinning softly as you backed away from him.

"well, night harry"

"night" he muttered exhausted, ignoring the butterflies in his stomach from the feeling of your hand on his.


–end of part 2–

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