Part 3- oh...OH!

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Mal growled as she watched Harry lean into you, making you laugh as he tried to glance at your answers for your algebra homework.

"Harry stop, do your work!" Harry snickered, pulling back and leaning on his hand.

"But I don' wanna~" he whined, pawing at your paper. You snatched it away, rolling your eyes. "please lass? I'll buy you a cookie~"

You snorted, pushing his shoulder and standing "I already have three packs of oreos harry, Im good, do your work" and with that, you walked off.

Mal watched as uma walked over to Harry, leaning down and whispering in his ear, to which he gave a grin and whispered back.

Mal knew it, they were up to something, she stormed off after you, calling your name "(y/n)!!"

You stopped, turning and tilting your head "whats up Mal?" you yelped as Mal caught up to you, tugging you into an empty classroom.

"don't you see!" she screeched, pacing the room, you just stood there, trying to regain your bearings. "hes using you! Hes plotting something with Uma, probably to get the wand so they can rule the world or something, just like-" Mal paused, seeing the look on your face.

You were glaring, arms crossed and foot tapping on the floor. "are you finished?" you droned, tilting your head, Mal squinted "good, because may I remind you" you seethed, stepping into Mal's face and poking her in the chest, "you and your friends were the exact same way when you arrived, may I remind you, that YOU were going to steal the wand and reign evil on all of us"

You stepped back, cracking your back and turning to step out of the room.

"but" Mal stuttered "Harry, hes using you I know it! Hes-"

You let out a yell, face contorting into a snarl, Mal squeaked, she had never seen you so angry.

"you're such a fucking hypocrite mal"


"we've hardly gotten anything on the wand from her Harry, have you even tried?" Uma was tense, picking at a pomegranate, her leg bouncing on the mattress.

"I don' want 'er ta get suspicious Uma" Harry sighed, running his hand through his hair. " these things take time cap'n, I don' want 'er runnin' off ta ben" Uma sighed, nodding.

"alright whatever, just get that information from her" uma stood from his bed, walking out of his room.

Harry groaned, faceplanting on his bed. His mind was telling him to follow umas orders, but his heart....he didn't know what he was on, every time he even thought of her his heart raced, butterflies swarming in his stomach.

What was happening to him?!


oh shit...


You hummed, leaning against a tree in the backfield of the dorms, pulling at a thread from Harry's torn jacket, pulling the seam closed.

Harry had gotten into a fight with the tourney guys, Jay, Carlos, and Ben had come to help, so Harry had gotten away with a few scratches and tears.

"(y/n)?" the voice you had gotten easily used to, popped up from behind you, an odd shy tone to it "can I talk to yeh?"

You turned, raising your brows as you took in Harry's from, his face was red, fidgeting with his hands, and shuffling in place.

He was nervous, that was obvious, but what for?

You stood, walking up to him and tilting your head in worry.

"harry" you muttered reaching up to touch his forehead "are you alright? you're burning up!" you started to try to push him back towards the dorms, thinking he was sick.

"no! i-I need to tell yeh somethin'" he reached out, grabbing your hands and bringing them between the two of you.

"I-I figured out somethin' and-and I need ta get it off my chest" you nodded slowly, twisting your hands around and intertwining your fingers.

"what is it" you whispered, leaning in closer, your face inches away from Harry's.

"I've-" harry stuttered, looking away for a moment, before leaning in closer, lips brushing against your ear "I've fallen for ye"

You squealed, breaking your grip on his hands and covering your face, dropping to the floor. The swarm of butterflies coming in full force.

You had confided in jane over and over again about how Harry's "threat" from a while ago, about making you fall in love with him had come true.

"I get it" you looked up, harry was backing away, tears brimming in his eyes "im a villain kid, ye don't like me in tha' way"

You leaped up, grabbing his coat lapels and dragging him down to your height, pressing your lips to his.

Harry's eyes widened before they fluttered closed, wrapping his arms around you.

You pulled away breathless, a large smile on your face, stroking Harry's face with your thumbs.

"I've fallen in love with you too" Harry broke into a smile, beginning to spin you around.

He set you down, pressing a kiss to your cheek, pulling back and fishing out a box from his jacket pocket.

"I wanna give yeh somethin'" he said giddily, you nodded, bouncing on the balls of your feet "it was my ma's" he opened the box a beautiful opal necklace resting within.

"oh my" you breathed, reaching out and tracing the gem. "its beautiful" Harry bit his lip, twisting his finger, motioning for you to turn around.

You did so, letting harry clip on the necklace.

"This is very valuable to me love" he muttered, pulling you into a hug, your back against his chest.

"ill protect it with my life" you laughed, tilting your head up and kissing his jaw "I promise"


Harry re-entered his dorm that night, a soft smile on his face. He paused, Uma giving a devilish smirk at him.

"amazing acting har, now, onto phase two"


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