F l o w e r s (1)

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Kenny POV (Suicide is mentioned!)

I walk down a path I knew when I was a child, it fucking sucked to have to leave my best friend Butters and the others except Cartman. Karen is back with me since Kevin and our parents uh died, Kevin committed suicide because of poverty in our family still and almost being killed by our parents, and our parents were murdered by an unknown person. Karen is now 16 and I'm 19, panic i'm panicking oh shit. I cried silently from the panic attack because of public people and about how in hell I'm going to raise Karen, I went into the flower shop and wiped my eyes hearing ''Hi Mister!" The boy sounded so cheerful "Hi" I look at the attractive  boy a stared as my eyes widened and I blushed while almost crying my eyes out "Buttercup?" He looked at me like how he looked at me when I died as a child "Ken!?" He Cried

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