Cutie Pie|8

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Butters POV

I felt someone shaking the heck out of me as I slowly was waking up.

"Baby Doll!!!!"

I had opened my eyes to see Kenny in a baby blue hoodie and ripped jeans "W-what Ken" I asked with my eyes still closed "School dummy!" I opened my eyes quickly "Sh-shit-" I was going to open my mouth to ask what time it was but stopped when Kenny had said "7:58, school starts at 8:30" he gave me a toothy grin. "Can you hurry up and get dressed though" I fell out of bed purposefully and went to the bathroom to change, I changed into a dark blue top and shorts and hurried to Kenny's side "It's 8:04 now babydoll" I smiled at the pet name, "I'm gonna do my hair!" He chuckled as I went back up the stairs and into the bathroom trying to find Karen's curler (My hair is no longer shaved by the way, it's wayyy long now) I grabbed the curler and put it on each layer of my hair for a minute or two and when I was done I sprayed hairspray onto the curls and I was done. I went back down the stairs and looked at Kenny "What time is it now love?", "8:28, you took long in their babydoll", "Curling your hair takes longer then the word metamorphosis" I smiled wider and laughed "Welp, come on now we're gonna be late!" He dragged me out and pushed me into his truck and driving us to school 
Mf Timeskip
I sat at our normal table and listened to Clyde complain about being chubby and all Craig did was make out with Tweek and flip Cartman off. I was bored out of my mind until Kenny came from his seat and sit next to me "Ey Cutie Pie!" I looked at him a smiled "hello love" Craig was just staring at us for a moment until he screamed until his voice cracked making his coffee loving boyfriend laugh "who the hell pissed in your Cheerios?-" Kenny asked "When the fuck did you two start dating", "Solo por unas pocas semanas, pero tu culo de perra no será lo suficientemente inteligente como para saber eso" Kenny stated "Butters what the GAH heCk is h-he gAH saying" Tweek asked confused "uh he said only for weeks but your bitch ass wont be smart enough to know that" I snickered but stopped when Craig started chasing Kenny "HEY GET YOUR ASSES HERE RIGHT NOW AND BE NICE!" I yelled across the cafeteria this was going to be a loooong day

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