'His room'

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Cross was in his room.

Well, not his room exactly, but somewhere that looked extremely alike to it.

The structure and placements of objects were the same. Cross could swear that even the placements of the pieces of jigsaw puzzles spread across his desk was exact. The thing different and hostile about this room...was the colour. ‘His room’ was now completely monochrome.

But that wasn’t the only thing that confused him.
There were three doors in this room.

One, the original door that led to other parts of the house, but now when he opened it, all he could see was a blank void.

Two, a door - located on the left front of his bed - that had light violet vines drooping over the door frame.

Three, a rectangular shaped object covered in dark-gooey unknown substances. Cross figured that it was a door, since it was placed right beside the second one.

He tried to recall what had happened before he got here. But the only vivid image that stood out in his memory was taking a nap on the couch after visiting some flowers in his backyard. They were quite nice, really. Other than that scenario specifically, there was nothing else he could be reminded of.

Could this be a dream?

The thought ran through his mind abruptly before shutting down at the deadly silence surrounding him.

Well, it wouldn’t be the dream he was expecting. He would have been much more relieved if this was one of those dreams with Chara fracturing his spine for stealing his chocolate, or Frisk shoving tacos into his eye sockets for fun.


No, the destructive imagery of monochromatic objects here was real, the picture frame that held lively colours were real, the broken clock he hung next to his desk was real.

Everything was as real as that electric shock Epic had gave him for eating his cookies --

Only now, those things have lost their colour...almost as if to remind him, that they’re not really within ‘his reality’ ?

The only ‘colourful’ objects in the room were the two doors that stood beside his bed, emphasizing that he should probably open one of them instead of sitting in this hell of a void.

Cross stood up to his feet and walked over to examine the two doors. He could already tell that he prefered one over the other. The light-purple tinted door on the left casted out a pleasant smell. The vines that loosely hung over its frame had small flowers of a luscious purple colour, vaguely glimmering under his eyes.

On the other hand, the door to his right was a great contrast. There were unidentified dark and gooey substances drooled all over it, even the doorknob was covered in the same material. Although it wasn’t giving off a specific scent, Cross grimaced at the thought of touching it.

He sighed.

Looking back around the room wasn’t going to help him. That was probably no way of getting him out either. Panicking and rejecting ideas weren’t his best options either, after all he already hated the dead atmosphere clawing at his ribs.

“Guess I don’t really have much of a choice…”

He gripped onto the silver handle and slowly twisted it open...


Bit of a short chapter~ But this is when it BEGINNNNS
Heh...kill me

G'day mates, have a nice day, wish you good luck!


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