The Carrot-Spiracy

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Golden Girls (where 4 old ladies live in an apartment together) and Will and Grace(where a gay guy and a streight girl live together) meet. I don't own them. Detective Larry is inspired by a character from Jimmy Fallon mad lib theatre with Benedict the Cumberbatch.

The Carrot-Spiracy
        "I'm detective Larry." Said with the thickest western accent this side of the states.
        "Sir, I am 95 years old, and I have just begun my career in mass criminality. I don't have time for this blah blah-blah-blah." Said with far too much sarcasm to be inside an old body such as hers.
        "Alright little lady, We can do this the easy way or the hard way."
"Can we finish this before 9, I need to pick up my pain killers from Walgreens."
"WHY DID YOU DO IT!!? He yelled, his voice teeming with the glitter that was a westren accent to sparkly for this world.
"Alright.......Alright picture it, Beatie, Idaho, 1981. A little girl-" He cut her off.
        "I don't have time for a long, bogus story, and it's Boise." he said like it was his second hour into a 10 hour graveyard shift.
        "Shut up!" she yelled as she slapped him in the face. "And respect your elders" she scolded with a gesture laced with sarcasm and passive aggressive energy."As I was saying, a little girl walks down a crowded street whistling a lovely toon, and she sees a veggie vendor. And She sees a small bundle.......of carrots. She ponders this for a moment then-"
She is just then cut off by his radio. "Detective, Mrs. Sofia is being picked up, if you do not have sufficient evidence then we must release her."
        "I have no evidence." he says begrudgingly. As they walk out Two people run up and hug the old woman.
        "Will! Grace! Where have you been?" She yelled.
        "Traffic darling, sorry." Will says, he looks kinda gay. They begin to walk off. Then he remembers.
        "Wait how does the story end?" He yells after her.
        "The moral of the  story is that you shouldn't listen to bogus stories told by old women." and with a wink she was gone...

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