Exclamations; The Extended Story

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     A/N: The character above, Emile Picani, is who I chose for the main part. Thomas Sanders owns him. He is technically Dr. Picani, but I have changed it to Professor Picani for this story.

       At 1:15 p.m. the bell rang at United Lion middle school in lower Florida. It was just after lunch and students were walking to their 5th-hour class. As students filed into Professor Picani's classroom, it was apparent that the teacher was not there. Students spent the four minutes of passing period joking and laughing, and just generally being loud and obnoxious.

"WELL HIYA KIDDOS" He exclaimed, leaning out of his closet, the best hiding spot in the classroom.

"Hello Professor Picani," the students groaned.

"Good afternoon," he said as his smiley self. "I have some fantastic news!!" 

"ugggggggggggg...................................................." his students groaned again, this was the routine.

"We, as a class have 46 consecutive days of school!!" He said with excitement.


"And to celebrate we are going to start my favorite unit!"


"Exclamations!!!!!" He was beaming with excitement at this point. Almost as excited as when his 'Special Someone'  had left a cat cardigan on his desk. He was so excited, squealing like a teenage girl at prom. "They give us emotions........ feelings......They bring depth and personality to a character......"  As the wave of groans passed over the class of unenthusiastic students, one kid near the front, propped his feet up on the desk in front of him then promptly snickered and rolled his eyes. "Do you have something to say, Virgil?" The professor said with a hint of sarcasm. 

"I think you're exaggerating a little, all an exclamation point does is say that there was a loud noise or something......Noth-"

"FALSEHOOD!!!!!" the students in the front jumped back in alarm. His whole stature changed, he stood taller, for the first time ever a grimace graced his lips."It is the common misconception that exclamations are specific words, this is of course false. In the words of ancient Austrian philosopher Janus Sanderson, 'There are a few select common words wich the public finds socially acceptable to be used at any given exclamatory moment.'" His expression now settled back into his blissful smile, he continued his lesson "In reality, any word can be......well.....anything it wants to be........ Be it a question, an exclamation.......writing is a truly versatile form of art, not unlike the youth of the human race..."  In the classroom moment of admirative silence for there English teacher's words, the bell rang. For once they all looked at him, "Class dismissed" he said with a nod and his gentlest smile.

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