Chapter 4 - Guiding Star

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(A/N idk I just thought about this song lmao and that baseball outfit is kinda like what Ve is wearing)

North Star? What the hell was I thinking saying that? I sound like I'm falling for the star baseball player. I groan at myself and rub my head in physical science class. Last class of the day thankfully. Elaine sits right next to me and just laughs at my groan.

"Friends helping friends" she mocks me.

"We need to be focusing on science El, shut up." I tell her. She rolls her eyes and continues her research. The bells rings and I slowly pack up my stuff. I'm worried about tonight. Why did I agree to this? Elaine tried to rush me out the door so we can get ready.

"Come on! we need to get you ready!" She shoves at me.

"What do you mean? I'm just going to go looking like this." I motion to my outfit. She aggressively shakes her head. We arrive at our lockers and I grab my bag.

"No hunny! You can't dress like that," she nods her dead at my outfit. "You need to cheer him on- meaning dressing up! And I know the perfect outfit!" Oh no.

By the time she is done with me I look at me in the mirror. My hair is waved with a baseball cap supporting Rowans team. I have a black shirt on with matching shorts. I have a large oversized white and blue jersey with


Written in large letters on the back. The jersey goes to my mid thighs with how short I am. I wear knee high white socks and regular black sneakers. She paints the number 14 in blue on my cheeks and somehow makes my eyelashes extra long. I feel weird since I'm not his girlfriend or anything special.

"One. More. Thing." She says reaching in her makeup bag. She pulls out some body glitter.

"Oh no," I turn to leave my room but she grabs my wrist.

"Where are you going? If your going to be his guiding star you need to shine!" She says with sparkles in her eyes. I let in and she runs body glitter on my neck and chest area and a little on my face. A shower will do wonders tonight.

When we arrive at the fields all eyes land on me. I fiddle with the corners of the jersey and I hear footsteps come from behind. I turn back expecting Elaine but surprise, surprise it's Rowan. He stares at me and I look down at me feet. I kick the dirt and I see his shadow move closer to me. He takes me hand,

"Your stunning." He says. I look at him and he looks surprised at what he just said. I bite my lip in a smile and he smiles too.

"Thank Elaine- she's the one that made this happen." I wave my hands at me and pose. He laughs and pulls me in for a hug.

"May I get a picture of this?" We hear a soft voice say. I look and see the yearbook girl, oh what was her name? Ellie? I look up at Rowan and he answers for us.

"Uh yeah sure!" She blushes and smiles. Her dark hair hides half of her face and she looks so sweet. Rowan holds me to his side and I put a hand on his chest. I hear the camera click and Rowan goes to see the picture.

"Oh wow, the sun makes your hair shine and your eyes glow!" Rowan gawks at the image. He whispers in her ear at a low voice I can't hear. She nods and he pulls his phone out. They talk for a second so I decide to find a seat. I hear the Umpire yell out and the teams gather.

"GAME ON WOOO!" Something went off and I yelled that out. Didn't realize I was going to do that or that I did do it until Rowans eyes landed on me. He smiled and winked at me.

I sit through the game and I see number 14 jog to the plate. I yell out and I hear him yell back,

"Give me luck my guiding star!" I blush as he settles himself next to the plate. He hits his bat on home base and gets in position. A ball flys by the plate and Rowan doesn't swing.

"STERRRIIIIKE ONE!" Umpire yells. I cross my fingers in luck. I see the pitcher get ready to throw and I notice Rowan giving a nod to the coach. I watch as the pitcher throws the ball. Rowan steps forward and hits the ball. He halls ass for first base and I see the ball land in front of the opposing teams dugout.

"FOUL BALL!" I see Rowan turn and curse.

"COME ON 14!! BLOW EM AWAY!" I yell, nearly screaming. He jogs to the plate and grabs his bat. The pitcher winds up and throws. I gasp as I hear CRACK! The bat strikes the ball and I see it fly to right field almost middle field. I cheer with the crowd and he rounds first base and second base. He stops at third base right before the ball gets there. He brought two team mates home. That's my boy! Nonono not my boy. We aren't dating! He isn't my boy. But what if..? NO!

I continue to watch the game as it starts to get dark. My eyes travel to the moon slowly starting to appear and the stars. I don't see many with the field lights on but I see just enough. The game comes to an end and Rowan high-fives the other team. It doesn't surprise me we won but my face has a giddy grin. As I see Rowan come my way I run to him and he catches me slightly swinging me around.

"My guiding star made me win!" He says. "WOOOO! YEAH!" He shouts and my smile just gets wider.

"You did amazing!" I tell him. He nods,

"I know." Cocky ass. That ass is fine though. He squeezes me in a hug and I let out a squeak.

"Can't. Breath-" I barely wheeze out. He lets go and scratches behind his head.

"Sorry!" He says in worry.

"I'm fine." I laugh out. "It happens a lot- people don't realize how little strength they have to use on my small body before I crack." He looks concerned in a way. He towers over me with him being 6' 3 and I'm only 5' 2. Nearly a whole foot taller that giant. His team mates call him and I give him a nod. He runs off to join them with his hand still attached to mine.

"Come with?" He asks seeing how I'm not trying to follow. I shake my head. He lets go and runs off.

"Bye-" I shyly say. He joins them in the parking lot and I see Jess joining Alex. Oh Elaine. I turn and start walking home. How do I tell Elaine about this?


I'm a baseball fan and baseball boys are hot 🥵

I'm enjoying writing this so much I decided to update fast. I might edit small grammar errors in previous chapters and new chapters after I publish them but I never change the storyline.

Ok I'm out- enjoy my Lovelies! 💖

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