Chapter 9 - Brother

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(A/N another picture of Venus ofc. And I love that song like sm- I want to cry to it.)

Rowans POV:
8:00am and I'm wasted. Fucking bottles of whiskey are surrounding my bed after a night of forgetting. She's another girl I can bed. Easy. But it's not. I toss the empty bottle at the floor not hard enough to break it.

I sluggishly stand up and head to my closet. My mirror reflects a messy version of me. My hair is messy and greasy. My pajamas are messy with drops of food and drops of Jack Daniels. I grab a gray shirt with a sweater to go with it. A pair of regular old jeans and old shoes.

I look back at my house from Venus's front porch. Maybe I should just back out now. I knock.

Venus's POV:
Elaine drops me off at my car that's still at Amelia's house. I drive home feeling so much better. And hey, I got my pajamas back! I got a break and I'm smiling! My drive consists of happy tunes. I should stop by and find some lunch. I cruise into the Wendy's drive through and get a sweet tea and a 10 piece chicken nugget meal. I chow down as I head home.

I pull into my driveway and see a shady figure on my porch. I pull out my keys and grab the small hidden knife off my lanyard. I open my door and the figure looks at me. They stand up and take off their hood.

"Rowan?!" I put my lanyard down and close my door. He walks closer to me and I smell the alcohol before I see his face. Eric was right, his lip still had the blood stain from the party. Busted his lip pretty good and from the looks of it he's been biting it.

"I- uh can I talk to you?" He stumbles over his words and his fingernails dig at his sweater sleeves. Good grief he looks awful. I nod and unlock the door. He follows behind.

"How long were you waiting?" I ask. He shrugs before responding.

"A couple hours. 8:30 I think is when I got here." He doesn't make eye contact with me as he moves to sit on the couch. I lean against the back of the couch.

"Rowan, you waited here for 3 hours?!" I almost shout at him. "Why didn't you text me?" For a second I forgot I was mad at him.

"I did." He states bluntly. I pull out my phone and see messages from him.

"Oh." I don't know what else to say.

"I didn't think you wanted to talk to me anyways." He seems strangely calm for how drunk he smells.

"I thought you said you didn't drink?" I ask. He looks at me this time and his cheeks seem darker. "And when was the last time you ate! Jesus, Rowan are you starving yourself?" I rush to the kitchen to get some crackers for him.

"Well I didn't. But as you can tell I've picked it up." I groan at that as I reach in the cabinet for crackers. "And no I've only been drinking recently. Didn't feel like having food."

"That's not healthy. Eat these crackers. Crackers, Bread, and stuff like that help absorb the alcohol and helps you sober up faster." He takes the crackers and crunches on them.

"Thanks." He nods.

"No problem. So what is it you wanted to talk about?" I ask. He pats the seat next to him motioning for me to sit next to him. I go and sit and he rests his hand on my knee. He takes a deep breath. Elaine slams open the doors and runs upstairs.

"Uhh.." Rowan asks I'm surprise. He looks at me for an answer and I give him a surprised look.

"Elaine?!" I shout up the stairs. I'm just as confused as Rowan is at this point.

"No!" She screams. My eyes widen. "No, no, no, no!!! God damnit! VENUS I NEED YOU!" I sigh and head up the stairs.

"Gimmie a second." I tell Rowan right before I take my first step up the stairs. He inhales sharply and groans. "Elaine- what the fuck?"

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