Chapter 2

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The girl Jasmine starts talking about herself. Joshua is her twin.

I pretend to be politely interested when really, I'm crying on the inside. Why did I say all that? At best I'll be the pitied girl with no real family, at worst I'll be the bullied, tortured punchbag.

I feel a hand on my arm. I turn to see Lucas looking at me, unlike everyone else who is looking at Jasmine. My bare arm tingles where his hand is.

His eyes hold mine for a second before dropping. He moves his hand away, and my arm feels instantly cold. I see a blush creeping up his neck as he stares determinedly at Linda as she starts talking. I feel my face start to heat too.

 I glance around to see if anyone noticed. Everyone is looking at Linda, but she is staring at me with a slight smile playing on her mouth. 

Lola shares that she is lesbian, and doesn't mind everyone knowing. 

After everyone has finished talking about themselves (I was right about Sally being Lucas' mum), Sally clears her throat. "Well, on with foster care." 

Any chatter dies down as people turn to stare at me and Lola. And then we proceed to talk about all the things I've known since I was able to understand adoption fully.

 I must admit, talking about it helps. Lola shares her feelings when she first moved into a foster home. She remembered her parents as she moved into a foster home when she was thirteen. 

She said her dad was abusive and her mum didn't want Lola caught up in the violence, so sent her to be adopted. 

I feel my heart getting lighter as the conversation continues. Maybe I'm not alone. The group ends. "Well done guys, I hope to see you back here next week. We're going to have a fun session, and hopefully I'll be able to book the local pool out for us. I'll send your parents emails." 

The group starts to disperse. I start walking towards the double doors when I hear my name. I turn to see Lucas behind me, phone in hand. "Oh, hey." I say. 

He hesitates for a second before asking "what's your number?"

 I pull out my phone and scroll through my contacts, looking for "Me". I tell him my number as he enters it into his phone. He smiles at me and I smile too.

"I'll text you, okay?" I nod. He walks back to his mum who is still stacking chairs. I grin as I walk through the doors. Jane is waiting for me. She looks hopeful, and then relieved after spotting my face. "Come on, then. Tell me all about it!" She yells. I shake my head slightly. Foster mums...

Saturday 7:55pm

Hey. This is Lucas. I'm hoping this is Kara.


Hey Lucas. How are you?

Good, thanks. How about you?

Meh. Better than normal, but school resumes on Monday.

Well school must start again after summer holidays.

I know. ☹. I've realised I don't know much about you. Wanna play twenty questions?

Sure. I'll start. 1) When's your birthday?

27th November. You?

24th Jan.

2) What's your favourite colour?

Blue. You?

Teal. Your turn.

Ok, cool. 3) What do your parents do?

Well Jane works in a call centre, and John stays at home. You?

My dad is A F1 driver. My mum, Sally who you met, works in children/teen counselling. I used to live with my dad but now I've moved in with my mum, a few weeks ago.

Ok, cool. 4) Do you have a hobby and 4.5) what is it?

Hmmm, I think I'll have to say sea swimming.

Sea swimming?

Yeah, I go swimming in the sea every Saturday. Even in winter. You?

Mine is boring compared to yours. I like to read.

5) What school do you got to?

This was fun, but GTG. See you next Friday?

Oh, ok. Bye then.


Hope you liked it.

In case you're wondering, the bit in italics above is Kara and Lucas texting. I will use this in future, so when the layout is like above, it's a text conversation.

I couldn't find a picture I liked for Lucas, if you have any ideas I would love to see them!

 Thanks for reading, please comment any thoughts.


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