Chapter 7

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The days whizz by. Lucas doesn't leave me and go off to be popular; he stays by me. People leave me alone when he's there; he's not particularly strong, but because of his dad, everyone treats him like a superstar or something. 

But several times he has to rescue me from bins at the end of the day. Unlike the first time he saved me, I just call him straight away. 

Before I know it, it's my birthday. Thankfully my birthday is on a Saturday this year. Last year someone found out when my birthday was. Never again. 

Lucas knows though, and in the few weeks before he's been mentioning it. Yesterday he said he would come get me at 10am. He also told me to bring towels and wear a wet suit. I have a horrible feeling I know why, but I pretend that I'm wrong. 

I glance at the clock. 9:59. The digits change at the same time the doorbell rings. I race downstairs, the zip of my wet suit bouncing on my back. 

I open the door to reveal Lucas, also wearing a wet suit. He smiles at me. "Happy 16th Birthday, Birthday Girl." He shouts, whipping a bouquet of beautiful deep-red roses out from behind his back. 

I laugh and take the roses. I lead him inside, calling out to Jane and John that Lucas is here. 

Kylie comes bounding down the stairs, two at a time. When he reaches Lucas and me, he pauses. Suddenly he jumps on Lucas. Lucas starts in shock as Kylie laughs, wrapping his arms around Lucas' neck. Lucas smiles, his arms grasping Kylie. 

"Hi. I'm Kylie. You Kara's boyfriend?" Kylie asks, innocently. I turn red as I detach Kylie from Lucas. 

"No, Kylie. This is Lucas. And we're not dating. Now run and play somewhere." I say quickly, pushing him away, he pouts and drags his feet up the stairs. 

"Sorry about him..." I turn to Lucas. He is watching me with a curious expression. 

"You're cute when you blush." He replies. I feel myself getting even redder, making him laugh. Jane suddenly appears, smiling. 

"Hi, Mrs William. I'm Lucas, pleasure to meet you." Lucas politely holds out his hand. Jane's smile broadens as she grasps his hand and shakes it. 

"Hi Lucas. Please call me Jane." Lucas returns the smile. "So where are you two off today?" Jane inquires. I shrug and at the same time Lucas winks at Jane. 

"It's a surprise Mrs Wi- I mean, Jane. Birthday surprise for Kara." Lucas replies smoothly. Jane raises an eyebrow suggestively at me. 

"Ooh, sounds exciting, Lucas! Well I'll let you get on then." Jane walks into the kitchen and we hear the noise of a kettle being turned off. Lucas takes my hand and leads me to the front door. His gave flicks down to my trainers. 

"Are you okay with walking? It's a short walk, not long." I nod and let him tug me away.

After a quarter of an hour walk, we arrive at a small cliff leading down into water. The "cliff" is tiny, only roughly ten meters. 

"Ready Kara?" Lucas asks from next to me. I nod grimly. We've slipped off our shoes, I took of my bracelet and he removed his watch. We're both now in our wet suits, the sea gently lapping at the rock below. 

Lucas' grin is so wide, I think his face might crack. He grabs my hand. 

"3... 2... 1..." He lunges forward, pulling me with him. 

We hit the water, and the icy grip tightens around my limbs. I reach up for the light. I rise, breaking the surface to see a calm and smiling Lucas already next to me. 

The cold is slowly flooding through me, and normally I would be feeling horrible at the freezing waves. But it was so exhilarating, I can't help but smile at the adrenaline. 

"Swim, it will help with the cold." Lucas informs me. I start to sloppily paddle around, the cold slowly receding. I'm still freezing, but it's manageable. I watch as Lucas swims to a sandy path leading up the cliff. A couple minutes later he is back at the top of the cliff. Taking a running jump, his feet leave the rock and fly through the air. He lands close to me, drenching me with cold sparkling droplets. I shove him when he resurfaces. 

"You got me wet!" I pout, pretending to be mad. He just laughs. 

"You were already soaked, so...". I laugh at him. I swim quickly back to the rock. A few minutes later, he is swamped by my splash.

We've jumped and splashed for what felt for ever. When the cold started to seep back into our bones, we got out and got dry. I've never had so much fun. It was so exhilarating, and breath-stealing, I hadn't cared about the cold. 

Lucas' eyes are sparkling and dancing. The smile on his face is real, filled with happiness and warmth. We start the walk back to my house in silence, with big grins on both our faces.

"Thanks Lucas. I really enjoyed this morning, it was great." 

Lucas can't stay; he has to go. I'm a bit disappointed, but I'll see him on Monday. He turns to go but hesitates. He faces me. He's standing on the porch, me in the doorway. 

"There is one more present I'd like to give you, but I'm not sure you'll like it." Lucas says, his eyes catching mine. I take a breath. 

"Well, maybe I'll surprise you," I reply. He smiles briefly. Stepping forward, his hand reaches my chin. His eyes haven't left mine. We only a breath apart. His eyes like green jewels watch mine steadily. 

He leans forward and suddenly we aren't even a breath apart anymore. 


So, yeah. Lucas and Kara kissed! Ooh! What are their ship names?

As I'm sure you're all aware, the corona virus is a big thing now. Schools in England (where I live), Wales and Scotland are closing.

This is a very scary time, so stay safe all, be careful but don't forget to live life!


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