Chapter 6

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: JWBankston

The week passes in a blur of lessons and hanging out with Lucas. When he's not there people treat me as usual. 

Finally, Friday comes and not a moment too late. Lucas reminds about swimming with the youth club and I can't wait! 

School seems to drag by, and the bullies seem to torment me more than usual. "Ginger, get out of the way!" and I'm shoved to the floor. Or I go to the drinks fountain because I want a drink (duh) and I'm soaked in water. 

The day seems relentless, but the finally the last bell goes, and I rush to find Lucas. "Let's go!" I tug him to the car park. John is waiting for us both. We speed to the pool.

I'm lying on my back, staring at the ceiling, water lapping against my sides. 

A shape rushes towards me underwater. I feel strong hands push on my back and the inside of my knees. Lucas erupts out next to me, pulling me up with him so I'm being carried bridal style. 

He grins at me. "Ready to get wet Kara?" I realise what he's about to do and grip tightly around his neck. 

"Lucas... No!" This makes him smile even more. 

"3..." he crouches in the water, arms wrapped around me tightly. 

"2..." I feel his arms tense in the water. 

"Lucas..." I protest, but he ignores me. 

"1!" He throws me up, and for a second I'm flying through the air, twisting and turning. Then I come back down with an almighty splash. 

I tumble under.

"No Daddy!" A young girl squeals next to me. I open my eyes. I'm being lifted in the air by a man with ginger hair. His face and details are blurry. "Come on Kara, it will be fun, I promise." The girl squeals again, and I realise with a jolt that I'm the girl. I hear a woman and a young girl laugh somewhere near me. I start giggling too and the man suddenly throws me into the water. With a splash, I hit the water. I surface spluttering and laughing. I feel light, free. "Again Daddy!" I shout. This makes the woman laugh even more. I turn to see a pretty, young girl. Her black her is plaited, and her hazel eyes sparkle sparkle. She looks around the same age as I must be. When I see her, something unlocks inside me. Somehow i know her name is Lucia. 

"Kara?" Another voice pierces my mind. It doesn't belong here, in my... memory. Of my parents. My breathing quickens, unease spreading through me. "Kara? Can you hear me?" The voice tugs at me again. It's familiar and comforting. I yearn for it for some reason. I start to cough, great shudders spreading through me. My parents and the beach have vanished. I'm lying on my back on a cold surface.

I open my eyes. Lucas is leaning over me, eyes filled with concern and guilt. It was his voice that tugged me back to the present. I sit up on my elbows, still coughing. I see the others gathered behind him. Sally is talking to a lifeguard. 

"What- Lucas?" I manage to say, my voice weak and shaky. His hand goes to my shoulder, supporting me. 

"I threw you in the water. You blacked out and didn't come to the surface. I towed you to the side, and you woke up." He replies. "That's it." 

He looks a bit uncomfortable at his last statement. I stare at him, noticing the other children moving away back to the pool. 

"Lucas..." I say softly. His eyes that have been avoiding mine, catch my gaze. He exhales slowly. 

"You were... talking. While you were blacked out. And then groaning." I feel my face getting hot. 

"What... what did I say?" He looks uneasy, looking everywhere but me again, but I reach for his hand. He starts at my touch but grips my hand with his. He finally looks at me, red flushing his cheeks and neck. So cute! Wait- did I just think that he was cute... I quickly drop my hand. 

Hurt flashed through his eyes, but it's gone as soon as it came. "Well, you kept saying 'Daddy' and telling him to stop. Then you laughed, but you started coughing and groaning." Now I'm the one blushing, heat spreading rapidly. 

"Kara? What happened?" Lucas' gaze is steady, interest and concern written on his face. I take a deep breath. 

"I- I don't know. I think I saw my parents. I was happy- we were all happy together." I start to sob, tears rolling down my cheeks. Lucas was staring at me, unease clearly flowing through him. I tell him everything, great sobs racking through me as I speak. 

Lucas just stares at me, uncertain of what to say. After a few minutes of me crying my heart out and him gently rubbing my back, I gingerly stand up. I walk slowly to the deep end. 

"Kara?" Lucas calls out behind me, following me towards the water. When I'm standing right next to the edge, I stop and he draws up next to me, confusion spreading across his face. 

"Karma!" I reply. He looks so confused; I feel a smile tug at my lips. 

In one swift move, I move behind him and push him. His arms flail as he tips into the pool. There is a huge splash. He surfaces, spluttering. I take a couple steps back, before running forward and cannon-balling next to Lucas. 

My wave splashes over him, making him splutter more when he resurfaces. I grin madly as he starts towards me. I turn and swim, fast. He laughs before chasing me. A hand wraps around my bare ankle, and I'm suddenly pulled backwards. 

Lucas' arms wrap around me, pulling me into him. We are both laughing, and I turn to stare straight into his eyes. We're so close, I can make out the tiny freckles dotting his nose and under his eyes. Our eyes have locked and everything else falls away. I'm completely mesmerised by his shining eyes, dancing with laughter. 

Suddenly, a large splash resonates next to us; another child has cannon-balled into the ball. We break apart, my cheeks reddening. He smiles at me before turning and swimming to the edge. Clambering out, his hair drips little water jewels down his neck and back. 

I stay in the pool, treading water. He takes a running jump back into the pool. Water swamps me, but only after I hear a beautiful sound, a tinkling soft laugh.

Smile [On Hold]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें