Chapter 3

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I walk to school with a heavy heart on the following Monday. Just make it to Friday, and then I can see Lucas again.

 As I walk towards my first class, English, a foot hooks round my ankle and pulls. I go crashing face first to the ground, my books spilling everywhere. I sit up and see the sporty football gang laughing besides me.

 "Didn't your parents teach you how to walk? Oh- wait. You don't have any!" Jason the captain asks. The group around him are nearly on the floor themselves they're laughing so much. I pick myself up and try to regain some dignity.

 "Your parents only keep you, because leaving you on the side of the road would be cruelty to animals." I retort. Darn it Kara, I say to myself. Just ignore them

"Oooh, living up to your hair are we now?" Jason replies. I grab my things. "Come on, ginger! Wouldn't you love to show us what you can do?" 

No, I really wouldn't. There is a dozen of them, and one of me. I ignore them and walk off. 

Entering my class, something hits me on the head. A rubber bounces onto the floor. I roll my eyes and take a seat.

 Everyone is sitting on desks, chatting and making a lot of noise. 

The door opens. Mrs Carfew steps in. I like Mrs Carfew; she is always sarcastic and a good laugh. The class goes deathly quiet as people raced to their seats.

 A black-haired boy with his head bent down followed her. "Right, class." Mrs Carfew began. "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear you all shouting when I came in. Now, please welcome a new boy, Lucas Macee."

 I start in surprise and stare at the boy. He looks up. Yeah, you've guessed it. It was Lucas. Whispers were going through the class.

 "Macee, is he the son of that racer?" 

 "Possibly, he's won, like, every competition ever." 

"Wow. I want to be his friend!"

"Reckon he's rich?"


I can't help but roll my eyes at my classmates' discussion. I didn't know that Lucas was the son of a famous car driver. I mean, he said his dad was an F1 driver, but I didn't ask. 

"So, Lucas. Why don't you tell us about yourself?" Lucas eyes are scanning the room. "Uh, yeah. So, my dad is the F1 driver Steve Macee. I like sea swimming..."

 He trailed off; everyone was too busy  sharing their thoughts on Lucas' dad to listen. Mrs Carfew was silent for a moment before frowning at the worst offenders. People got the idea and shut up. But Lucas didn't say anything.

 I looked up and realised he had spotted me. 

"Mr Macee?" Mrs Carfew probed gently. 

"Right.... Sorry. I like sea swimming, and that's it." He finished quickly, still staring at me like I was an alien from Pluto. 

"Well, Mr Macee, if you would like to sit..." she scans the room for empty chairs. The only one is next to me and next to Ashley Nates, who makes me her favourite stress relief.

 "Yes, sit next to Kara, over there." He starts walking towards me, but Ashley says, "sit here."She motions to the seat next to her. 

Lucas hesitates. I know he'll pick Ashley. She is prettier, with sky blue eyes and perfect blonde hair, the queen diva, and knows how to wrap boys around her finger with barely a glance. She'll make Lucas her puppet, and, well... bye to our new hopefully friendship, if it even existed. 

Mrs Carfew, who had turned to the board, looks behind her to see Lucas halfway between me at the back left and Ashley at the other corner. "Mr Macee, if you could take a seat. I know it's a life changing decision, but speed would be helpful." 

The class laughs as Ashley twirls a length of hair round her finger, smiling. Ugh, she's flirting already. Lucas turns to her, and any tiny bit of hope left inside me disintegrated.

"Thanks, but I'll sit with Kara." He swivels and walks towards me. Ashley's face is frozen. I try not to laugh; Ashley's flirting has never failed her yet. Lucas dumps his bag next to me and plops himself down in the seat. 

"Hey Lucas." I say. Ashley looks enraged that I already know the son of the most successful driver in the world. He smiles at me.

"Hi Kara. Why didn't you tell me you went here?" he asks. I do a tiny eye roll.

"Why didn't you?" I retort, pretending to be annoyed. I break into a smile, and he returns it. 

"What do you have today?" I continue. He pulls out his timetable and I examine it. "Ok, we've got everything the same except Biology." Which Ashley has. Meaning Ashley will have a whole lesson to woe him with her charm. 

Mr Macee and Miss Williams, while it is great that you are getting on, I am trying to teach. Is that okay?" I blush. Lucas doesn't look worried though. 

"I'm sorry, Mrs Carfew, Kara was just to being nice and tell me where to go next. I'll ask her after the lesson." He smiles at her, and she smiles back. I stare at the two of them, my head boomeranging between. 

"Ok, Mr Smooth!" I giggle and nudge him playfully. He tries to keep his face straight but fails, and he grins playfully. And for the first time in what feels like years, I smile a proper smile. 


AN: I hope you liked it! 

(Actually, I forgot to do an author's note, and added it on later. Ooops)

Teaser: Lucas founds out about Kara being bullied!

Comment any feed back, and don't forget, go check out @DrarryHasTakenOver and @HaloHalo94 

See you soon!


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