Roof Top Wonders (cashby)

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Chapter 1- When You Can't Sleep At Night (Of Mice & Men)

I lay awake watching my ceiling fan spin around relentlessly in circles. It didn't seem to do much side I could feel the heat soaking in my skin a mile a minute. I sigh and swing my legs out of bed and walked over to my small mirror not bothering to use the light since the moon was bright enough through the night. I fix my red hair slightly, put on basketball shorts, black vans and a white sleeveless top with a kitten on it. I slid the window open and stepped out onto the roof carefully then closed the window behind myself. I slid down to the edge of the roof and jump off landing on my feet softly. I inhale the thick summer air and felt relaxed. I walk down the dimly lit road feeling more and more content as I walked further away from my house. Somehow, I found myself at the park and sat cross legged on the bench. Summer. Time for parties, friends, lovers and being out of high school another three months. But not me, Alan Ashby, I've had a rough life throughout my years but I try to keep going. Maybe one day I'll feel okay. I hear footsteps crunching upon the gravel behind me and a quick pace like they are jogging. I turn to see a tall figure jogging in my direction. Hopefully they don't plan on being around me, I'm really not in the mood to talk to people. I face the front and a minute later he plops on the bench behind me. Maybe he doesn't know I'm here. I hear the small sob escape his lips and begin to slowly stand up.

"Are you the priest I'm supposed to meet?" He asks not moving his head.

I shake my head no when he turns to look.

He turns around looking at me curiously "Then what are you doing out so late?"

"Hmm, your Alan Ashby the mute kid aren't you? Well I'm Looking for someone obviously" he answers then looks at me for my answer.

I shrug wishing to remove myself from this awkward situation.

"C-can I talk to you?" He asks looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

I hesitate for a moment trying to think of what to do. This is Austin Carlile, the most popular boy in school. How does he know my name? What if he just wants to make fun of me? But, regrettingly, I sit next to him, about a foot away.

"I know you don't talk but I really need someone right now. God, I'm so pathetic."

I sit there awkwardly not knowing what to do. If we are in the movies I would've patted his shoulder.

"It's just that I miss her so god damn much. My mom died a year ago and it's all my fault, if I would've just picked up that stupid phone" his fists clenched at the last words making me filch slightly. I just wanted to scream it's not your fault but the words couldn't find their way out to the open. His voice cracked and he sat sobbing. Should I pat his back or hand? After ten minutes I pat his shoulder and he looks at me with sorrow.

"I'm sorry for being such a baby" he wipes his tears. "Why don't I take you out to breakfast for listening to my whining"

Oh god oh god oh god no

"Right you don't speak. Well come on" he motions to follow "I promise I don't bite"

"Come on" he urges tugging at my wrist and I let out a small yelp. But he didn't seem to notice. He just kept talking like he's known me his whole life.

"Summer is great" he smiles "I love the parties and warmth"

I feel a small smile form at my lips and I look at the ground.

"I remember you from English" he says "you're super smart aren't you"

We walk into IHOP and the waitress seats us. "What would you boys like to drink"

"We'll both have some orange juice" Austin smiles brightly at her.

"Okay, your server will bring that out and take your order" she winks at Austin then leaves.

"Hm, flirty" Austin says smoothly yet a little uncomfortable "You don't have a girl do you?"

I look at him innocently.

"Yeah. Me neither. Fuck em. This girl, Giselle, she was obsessive and clingy and just kind of scary. But that was a while a go and I'm over it" he watches my reaction but I keep it blank. Conceal don't feel. "Now I'm livin the bachelor life."

"What can I get you boys?" The server set down the juice then looks at me first sending panic through veins

"We'll both have chocolate chip pancakes" Austin saves me.

The server nods leaving in a whisk of blue.

Austin chats mindlessly until our pancakes come then does the same but between bites. Honestly I loved listening to him and never wanted to leave. We both had houses the same way so we walked home together and he said goodbye when I got to my house I climbed up back through my bedroom and under my covers just in time for my mom to come in and inform me that we are going to my grandparents house. Which sucks since my grandpa thinks it's stupid that I'm mute. I don't talk to anyone in my family. Not even my parents, brother or sister. I'm fifty shades of fucked up.

Roof Top Wonders (cashby)Where stories live. Discover now