Let's Stay Young Forever.

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Chapter six- Alone Together, Fall Out Boy

We walked across the small field in comfortable silence, yet my mind raced. I couldn't even put my thoughts into words if I tried. What the hell did he just do? Note that I didn't mind it one bit but it was a little out of the blue.never would I have thought Austin was gay. I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice the orange spark that used to be in the distance, grow larger and the people's chatter and laughter intensify. Now we are near the edge of the firepit, which was glowing so bright I could see Austin's gorgeous smile and the end of his eyes crinkled from his large, sincere smile. I'm pretty sure there are others around yet all I could see was him.

"Let's go get some drinks. Yeah?" His voice was smooth and silky and his words rolled off his tongue better than tires on pavement. I nod and follow him over to the stack of alcohol and red solo cups. He smiles handing one to me to hold as he pours the golden liquid to fill the plastic cup then does the same to the cup in his hand. For some reason I couldn't take my eyes off of him like he was a unicorn that I wanted to watch in the wild.

"Austin my man" a large, muscular man says grabbing his free hand and bumping chests for a moment. I never understood why guys do that, it must be a masculinity thing. Regardless I was surprised they managed not to spill any alcohol out of their overflowing cups.

"Tino. Good game" Austin compliments

"Same to you, you ran out of the locker room so fast I didn't get a chance to compliment that great pass you made." Tino said. I think they are speaking a completely different language because I have no idea what they are saying.

"Who's this?" Tino points to me.

"My friend, Alan." Austin says stepping back so Tino has a better view.

"Hey man" he curls his fingers together and reaches out. I stumble back into Austin's chest whilst my beer sloshed out of the cup, thinking Tino was going to punch me.

"Woah" Austin says, caught by surprise but somehow doesn't topple backwards with me but pushes me back to my feet to help me regain balance.

"Hey buddy, sorry, I just wanted a fist bump." Tino cautioned "we cool. We cool."

"He's just a little shy." Austin explained. A little? More like a lot. I shouldn't have came here tonight I already made a mess.

"High five?" Tino tried again waiting for me to approve before holding his flat hand up then connecting it with mine softly with a soft clap.

"Nice to meet you Alan but I gotta go find my girlfriend before she freaks out." Tino smiled

"Bye Tino!" Austin called after him then turned to me. "Come on, let's go sit by the fire"

I nodded again and followed him to a log that was near the warm, orange fire. I set my cup down and noticed an acoustic guitar laying vacant in the dirt. No Alan. This is not the time to play. But it was like a drug, calling out for me to pick it up and strum its marvellous strings. And like any drug addict, I reached out for it, setting the curve on my knee and placing my bent fingers on the guitar appropriately. Then I strummed, like it was something I did everyday. I used to play all the time but only once and a while now a days. The pattern of strumming came out as the tune of 'I'm eighteen'by Alice Cooper. Apparently Austin caught on quickly because he began to sing the lyrics. And let me tell you, he had the voice of an angel. It drowned out the crackling of the fire and chatter of horny teens trying to get laid, it was that perfect. At the end of the song we were rewarded with the clapping of hands in the darkness and my cheeks turned so red you could probably see them glowing in the distance. Austin just continued to smile and he put his arm around my hips and pulled me in so it hips were touching. Everyone went back to their conversations like nothing happened.

"You're an amazing player" Austin's breath tickled my neck with every word making my stomach jump even higher.

"You have the greatest voice" I stumble over my words. He chuckles and tightens his arm around my hips but not so tight it's uncomfortable.

"Wanna see something cool?" He asked randomly breaking the light silence.

I shrugged a little afraid of what this mysterious thing could be. But he took my shoulder moments as a yes because he let go of me and sprung up in one swift movement. I followed closely behind him as we weaved through the small groups of people.

"Where we going?" I ask once out of the crowd and by his side so I didn't get lost in the darkness.

"You'll see" though I couldn't see I could tell he was smirking my the playfulness of his voice. I don't know whether or not to be worried or excited due to this new adventure. "You'll love it don't worry" he assures, almost like he can read my mind. Minus the sound of our feet swooshing against the grass, it was quiet now that we were away from the crowd. Except, through the silence an owl hooted scaring the shit out of me. I jumped so high that I could've touched the moon and I landed with a thud and with my hand tangled in Austin's.

"Scared?" He chuckles making no effort to drop my hand.

"No" I protested unsure whether or not he wants me to let go of his hand. If he didn't want to have my hand in his then he would've dropped it. Right? Unless he's being nice...

"You sure because for a tiny dude, you sure have a tight grip."

I instantly dropped his hand, and when he looked at me to see why I saw a pinch of hurt mixed within the confusion in hits eyes which shimmered in the moonlight. I looked away quickly so I didn't have to face the questions that are arising in both of us. Which didn't help because I couldn't see that Austin wanted to turn right so he ran right into me and I let out a fearful yelp.

"Are you okay?" He asks very concerned.

I nod my head yes.

"Oh god I'm so sorry" he apologized pulling me into a bear hug.

"It's okay. I'm fine" I assure against his chest.

"Promise?" He looks down at me. I nod. "Good. Come on then, this way" he watches me making sure I'm not going to die. He leads me into the trees were there was little moonlight until we got to a small opening where the moon shined down intensely. Right before my eyes was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen: a tree with a swing having off of it that was big enough for two people and surrounding that was a huge flower patch.

"Wow" I gasp breathlessly. I walk on the small flowerless, grass path that led to the swing and sat down.

"Stunning isn't it" Austin says sitting next to me. "I don't know how this got here but I've been coming here since I was a kid and it still looks perfect. Like it hasn't aged a bit."

I couldn't help but smile at the thought of being in a place so personal to him, it really felt like we were connecting. I just started in awe at the arrangement of flowers and how well the colours blended together. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Austin watching be with amusement.

"What?" I ask timidly, turning my head to face him.

"I love how much you enjoy this place" he smiles whole heartedly.

My cheeks flare up and I look down at the space between us which didn't stay vacant for long because it was occupied by Austin scooting to get closer to me. There it's literally no room between us now.

"You're cute when you're embarrassed." He says almost inautably as he takes his index finger and lifts my chin up so our eyes connect like magnets that cannot be pulled apart. It felt like a million years before he cautiously moves his head forward to connect our lips in a gentle kiss. This time his hands placed themselves gently on my neck and mine on his lower back. As the seconds glided on he applied small amounts of force proving my lips weren't fragile. The sensation of his tongue sliding against my bottom lip sent ripples of excited, nervous pleasure throughout my body. I allowed my lips to part to let his tongue come in and explore my every corner gently. At this witching hour, we were melted as one. Our bodies longed to be one as if he was the other half I was missing.

"I'm sorry" he looks away quickly. "I just... have such intense feelings for you"

I put my hand on his knee "me too" I said with some confidence.

He looks at me hopefully, as this was the beginning of something new.

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