Eyes Like A Car Crash

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Chapter 14-Deathbeds by Bring Me The Horizon.

"Alan sweetie." My mom cooed "you have to go to the store with me. I need to know what you want"

Normally I would've sighed and put up a silent, yet effective fight but I was too tired from last night's adventure with Austin where we went roller skating. I just nodded and loaded my heavy body into the front passanger seat. It was comforting and warm like a heated blanket and I could've just fallen asleep right on the spot but I plugged in my iPhone and shuffled nirvana. My mom is more of a Christian pop person but she knows the music makes me happy so she allows it. 

"Mom! Watch out!" I screamed for the first time. She was so surprised at the sound of my voice yet she had zero time to react. The car slammed into my door and my head hit the window, I'm prettty sure I blacked out before I could hear the crack of my head. 

Austin was sitting at his house playing Call of Duty with his best friend, Michael Ashby. 

"Hello?" Michael asked the phone, pausing the game. "Oh my god. Yeah. Dad, I'll be there as soon as possible" he says hanging up the phone. 

"What's wrong?" Austin asked

"I-it's my brother" Michael stammered getting up and collecting his things. "he was in a car crash"

Anxiety fled through Austin. "Let me take you" Austin said thinking quickly, he had to find a way to see his boyfriend. "You shouldn't drive like this."

Michael looked at his friend, teary-eyed yet still manly. "You're a good friend" he said as an agreement to let Austin drive. Austin quickly grabbed his car keys and rushed out the door behind his friend. He had to keep his cool, Michael couldn't know that he was about to explode with tears and fear. Somehow, he kept driving, all the way to the hospital. They rushed into the ER, frantically asking the nurses where Alan was. One nurse led them to a room where there was a mother with a bandaged head, a father holding the sobbing mother and daughter and a very unconscious Alan. Michael was close to breaking down and it was taking everything for Austin not to melt into tears and vomit. Seeing Alan hooked up to tubes, so damaged broke everyone's hearts. 

"What happened?" Michael asked to no one specifically

"Car accident....your mother accidentally went through a red light" Mr. Ashby explained sending Mrs. Ashby into harder sobs. All of this sent Austin swirling, and if it wasn't bad enough, the doctor came in. 

"It seems Alan has suffered major brain trauma." The forty-year old doctor sporting tired wrinkles explained. "I really have nothing new for you until he wakes up." 

So that's what the family did. They waited day after day. By the fifth day everyone was exhausted.

"Why don't you guys go get some rest and get some food?" Austin offered hoping for alone time with his love. "I can wait here and call you as soon as he wakes up"

"I don't know..." Mrs. Ashby says hesitantly. 

"No, Come on honey" Mr. Ashby persuades. "We aren't any use here anyways."

"You're a good friend" Michael patted Austin's shoulder approvingly

Mrs. Ashby really didn't want to go but she agreed anyways. Once the Ashby's were gone Austin pulled a chair up to the edge of Alan's bed. He straightened out Alan's messy ginger hair, he was so beautiful even though in a coma. Austin took the hand that didn't have the IV in it and held it gently, as if made of glass. Austin hung his head and let out a sob that he had been holding back, only letting go when getting coffee or excusing himself to the restroom. 

"I love you Alan....you have to wake up" Austin begged. 

I felt my whole body ache with deep pain. I let my eyes flutter open to the brightness, heaven looks too much like a hospital and it is not the greatest- unless it's hell then it's spot on, hospitals freak me out. I try to move but sharp pains rippled through every inch of my body and I let out a painful groan. 

"Don't move" A voice said. "You're okay." The voice became a man which popped into my view. He had lovely, teary eyes and gorgeous spiked hair which seemed to be messy, yet overall he seemed very very attractive. "I'm so glad you finally woke up." The man spoke with tears of joy. "God, I love you so much Alan."

"I-I'm sorry? Who are you?" I spoke raspily. I watched the man's eyes fill with disapointment as his mouth hung open. Should I know this man? He looks awfully upset with me but right now that doesn't seem very relevent since I don't know where I am nor how I got here. But from the look on the man's face those questions should be asked later. 

"I'm your boyfriend...Austin." He said. Which made me very confused. If I have a boyfriend I should remember, so what happened to me? Regardless, the unknown fear outranked the guilt I felt for not remembering I have a boyfriend.

"How did I get here?" I asked. I could tell the man-Austin- was distressed but trying to put me first which felt quite nice. 

"You were in a car accident, with you mom"

"My mom!" I went to bounce up but fell back down immediatly due to the pain. "Is she okay?"

"Yeah. You're family's home resting. You've been out for five whole days"

I tried taking in the information he was giving me. Thank god my mother was alright. Though, I'm very confused as to why I could remember I had a family and not a boyfriend. 

"I'll go get your family and the doctor" he pats my thigh with a sad smile before leaving. A few moments later a skinny, grey-haired doctor entered the room.

"Can I see my family?" I asked.

"Once I finish asking you questions" He chuckles flipping open his notepad. The questions were super tiring and long so once he finished I passed out before being able to see my family, only to wake up to the sound of hurried voices.

"It seems he is missing a few months to a year of his memory" The doctor tells my mother apologetically. 

My mom gasps but realises it could be significantly worse. "So what....what does this mean?" my sister stammered

"It means he may or may not ever get it back" The doctor says bluntly.

"How long until we know?" Austin asked from the corner.

"Few days. The best you can do is support him."

"Mom?" I croak out they all rush to my side, making me feel awkward, especially since Austin would just stare at me all day from the corner. "Could I have some water?" 

"Of course" She stifles a laugh of relief. 

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